Boston Herald

Women already cornerston­e of church

- Raymond L. Flynn is a former mayor of Boston and former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.

From caring for the sick, educating children and helping the poor, God’s angels are the cornerston­e of the Catholic church. and conversati­ons at the Vatican about the ordination of women while I was ambassador to the Holy See during the 1990s. But Pope John Paul II concluded in 1994 that since Jesus chose only men as his apostles, the ordination of women was simply not possible.

That view was met with some criticism from the reform movement in the church. But the dialogue reminded the faithful of all the good work and contributi­ons that women do for the church and its people each and every day.

I heard from several nuns caring for those with AIDS in Rakai, Uganda, that their mission there to help the sick and needy was far more in line with their life’s commitment than any other role in the church or in society for that matter. Several of the Irish sisters who cared for the incurable, were themselves in the infirmary with very little hope of getting better.

They certainly were committed to Jesus Christ and there was no other place or job that they would rather have. This was what God called them to do, and titles, fame and status was not what they sought in life. These are the people in my lifetime that I admire most.

Yes, I have witnessed the importance of many at the Vatican and in our cathedral, but also personally witnessed God’s angels at work. I think most of us love and respect our religious women just the way they are.

But if some pope in the future wants to give them a new title, I just hope the pope never loses sight of the fact of why we love our Catholic faith and why we respect our religious sisters.

I’m not a theologian and I can only speak for myself, but my beliefs and values are rooted in my home, my Church and from my neighbors. Sister, brother, father, mother or priest, whatever title they ultimately receive, I hope they never change the important role that nuns heroically perform in the world today.

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