Boston Herald

BuzzFeed’s ‘news’ about as credible as Rolling Stone’s


“You are fake news!” That was President-elect Donald Trump’s dead-on accurate descriptio­n of CNN yesterday. And it appears the alt-left media don’t even realize what a favor they’ve done for their archnemesi­s.

He’s immunized now, at least for a while, from any negative press. Due to the prurient nature of this latest fake news — golden showers — yesterday’s bogus story has more legs than, say, The Washington Post’s recent run of fake news (alleged Russian hacks in Vermont that were actually a guy checking his email, as well as November’s fake news story about fake news).

Where do the pampered-puke Democrat operatives in the media get this week’s crap from — Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, from the old Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon series?

How ridiculous has CNN become? Anchors drunk on live TV, then brushing off brutal hate crimes as “bad home training,” and now this.

And CNN had the gall yesterday to try to say it was being unfairly treated by Trump, that they weren’t trying to dust him up with more fake news Tuesday afternoon.

Here are some excerpts from CNN’s initial panting report:

“CNN has learned … classified intelligen­ce briefing … I’ve been working this story … multiple U.S. officials … classified … four of the senior-most U.S. intelligen­ce chiefs … based on memos compiled by a former British intelligen­ce chief … Russian sources … the FBI has not confirmed many essential details …”

Note the word “many.” Have the G-men confirmed any details? CNN’s report was so phony I was half expecting Jake Tapper to say the “golden showers” had been authorized by Fearless Leader.

As for BuzzFeed, what can you expect from a website whose big click-bait stories yesterday included: “How Bitchy Is Your Resting Face? ... 22 Cleanses That Will Help You Start 2017 Off Right … Create a Sandwich and We’ll Reveal a Deep Truth About You.”

BuzzFeed has about as much business trying to do serious journalism as, say, Rolling Stone. Or CNN. Of course, BuzzFeed is at least partially owned by NBC. That explains a lot. The suits ought to blow up that BuzzFeed “newsroom” like a Dateline NBC truck. The BuzzFeed pajama boys wrote it up as if Donald Trump was as guilty as, say, Richard Jewell. Maybe they edited the “report” like NBC did George Zimmerman’s 911 call about Trayvon Martin.

Do you begin to detect a pattern here? Liberal equals fake news. The only distinctio­n is, some networks and newspapers are more fake than others.

So now CNN’s ratings, which were already lower than whale excrement, will go still lower. What can they do? Maybe they could stop lying.

As for BuzzFeed, I think the solution to their fake news infection is in-house, at MSNBC. Brian Williams is still on the payroll after all. If they asked him, I’m sure Lyin’ Brian will back up the golden showers story by saying he actually saw the bed floating out of the presidenti­al suite at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow …

Listen to Howie from 3-7 p.m. on WRKO-AM 680.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? FIGHTER: President-elect Donald Trump lambasted the media yesterday in his first press conference since the summer.
AP PHOTO FIGHTER: President-elect Donald Trump lambasted the media yesterday in his first press conference since the summer.
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