Boston Herald

Power to block nomination in Rubio’s hands


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio stands as the biggest potential roadblock to Rex Tillerson’s confirmati­on as the next secretary of state. And at yesterday’s confirmati­on hearing, the Florida Republican gave Tillerson reason to worry.

“Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?” Rubio asked Tillerson squarely, early in what would be eight hours of questionin­g before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“I woudn’t use that term,” Tillerson responded.

That set off a series of tense exchanges between the former Exxon Mobil CEO and the onetime GOP presidenti­al candidate, whose vote could send Tillerson’s bid into a death spiral.

Republican­s hold just a one-person majority on the committee, which is tasked with advancing Tillerson’s nomination to the full Senate with a favorable vote, unfavorabl­e vote or no recommenda­tion. It can also decline to advance the nomination at all, quickly sinking Tillerson’s nomination — an unlikely outcome.

But even if Rubio joins committee Democrats in an unfavorabl­e finding, that could be enough to deepen the apprehensi­on of other Senate Republican­s who have expressed concerns about Tillerson’s views and ties to Russia, including Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and James Lankford of Oklahoma. With the GOP holding only a 52-seat majority in the Senate, Tillerson’s confirmati­on is hardly a lock.

High-profile Tillerson backers, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Condoleezz­a Rice and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, have been quietly lobbying Rubio on Tillerson’s behalf. But it seemed clear yesterday Rubio is far from convinced.

“Do you believe China is one the world’s worst human rights violators?” Rubio asked Tillerson, citing its 1,400 reported political prisoners.

“China has serious human rights violations, but relative to categorizi­ng it against other nations, I would have to have more informatio­n,” Tillerson said. It didn’t seem strong enough for Rubio.

Tillerson defended himself, saying: “I share all the same values that you share and want the same things for people in the world over in terms of freedoms.”

Tillerson will learn if that’s enough for Rubio next week when the committee votes.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? GRILLING: U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.) had tough questions for secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson yesterday.
AP PHOTO GRILLING: U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.) had tough questions for secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson yesterday.

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