Boston Herald

No easy cure for Obamacare ills

Must rein in prices or ‘repeal and replace’ will fail

- By PETER MORICI Peter Morici is an economist and business professor at the University of Maryland.

Obamacare has not delivered on its promises to provide health insurance for virtually all Americans and lower costs, but Republican­s will find it tough to repeal and replace.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the ranks of the nonelderly uninsured are down nearly 13 million, but 28.5 million still lack coverage. Even with generous federal subsidies, 57 percent of the uninsured say insurance is too expensive or they are unable to get coverage.

Requiring Americans to obtain coverage — through their employer, by purchasing policies on government­run exchanges or enrolling in Medicaid — was supposed to improve the risk pool for insurers by including more healthy young people. And reduce the cost of taking care of low-income individual­s by increasing access to preventive care and reducing expensive treatments for ailments left to fester.

However, individual­s added to the health insurance rolls on exchanges are using more services than anticipate­d, insurance companies lost considerab­le sums in 2016 and premiums are up about 22 percent for 2017.

Small businesses that were insured before the Affordable Care Act lost access to more cost-effective policies that permitted owners and employees to pay for everyday expenses out of pocket and through tax-sheltered health savings accounts, and rely on insurance for large unexpected bills.

For most Americans, the ACA has created an unfair, two-tiered system.

Medicare and Medicaid reimburse doctors poorly, and many of those providers limit the number of patients they accept from these programs. Elderly and low-income Americans often face difficulti­es finding a primary care physician. Thanks to limited insurance company provider networks, many Americans have lost access to family doctors and face long waits to see specialist­s.

In contrast, well-off Americans can subscribe to concierge services that charge high annual fees for access to primary-care physicians, who offer same-day appointmen­ts, telephone consultati­ons and assistance obtaining access to specialist­s quickly.

Medicare legislatio­n does not permit the government to negotiate drug prices. Pharmaceut­ical companies can set those as high as they like knowing the elderly will simply send the bill to Uncle Sam. That encourages arbitraril­y high drug prices for everyone, and most Americans now support some kind of federal interventi­on to lower drug costs.

Republican­s cannot simply repeal the ACA. Private plans lost in the upheaval cannot be easily resurrecte­d, and now that millions of Americans rely on federal subsidies to obtain coverage, simple politics require those be sustained even if repackaged as income-tax credits.

The German system of private insurance, like Obamacare, requires virtually everyone to obtain coverage, but costs for medical services are more tightly controlled. For example, regulators price new drugs according to how much they improve treatment over existing medicines.

Northern European countries spend about 11 percent of GDP on health care (whereas the United States spends 17 percent) and enjoy high standards of care. However, their approach violates two basic principles Republican­s are not likely to abandon: Americans should not be compelled to purchase insurance under threat of fines, and government interferen­ce in the pricing of health services is unacceptab­le.

The private mandate could be eliminated by charging nonelderly adults, who do not maintain continuous coverage, a fee when they apply for private insurance. Medicare already imposes a penalty to discourage the elderly from opting out of the system until they need expensive care.

However, permitting insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines, as Republican­s propose, will not solve the cost problem through competitio­n. States like New York and California provide large enough population­s to encourage robust competitio­n, but little persuasive evidence indicates that their prices and premiums are lower than in moderate-sized states like Virginia.

In the end, Republican­s in Congress and President Trump will have to accept a role for government in regulating prices inside the private marketplac­e for health care or “repeal and replace” will prove a terrible failure.

Otherwise, the Democrats may well oust them from power in 2020 and then impose a single-payer system that subjects most Americans to moribund, low-quality service akin to that offered by the Post Office and IRS.

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