Boston Herald

Dewey defeats Brady

Globe’s ‘Bitter end’ blunder sends out more fake news

- Howie CARR

There’s fake news and then there’s FAKE NEWS!

Yesterday’s early edition of the Boston Globe made a historic blunder with its Super Bowl coverage, running the headline: A BITTER END.

Above it is “Super Bowl LI.” LI meaning “51” in Roman numerals, but now it has another meaning, wouldn’t you say? You can’t have a LIE without LI.

These fake-news collectors’ items are on sale all over Florida. If you’re reading this in at least some parts of the Sunshine State, you can probably still buy one at your local Publix supermarke­t. (Not in Palm Beach — my neighbor just bought all five copies for me.)

Given its squalid past as a purveyor of fake news, the Globe just began a new PR campaign dubbed #factsmatte­r.

This morning the Globe’s Facts Matters campaign came to … A BITTER END.

OK, everybody understand­s early deadlines and all that. That’s why newspaper people learn early on to write “placeholde­r” stories and headlines until the final election returns are in, or the debate is over.

It’s basic journalist­ic CYA. For elections, the headline is something like “Down to the Wire.” For debates it’s “Sparks Fly.”

But Sunday night, the Globe couldn’t help itself. And it’s not about the Patriots, not really. The bow-tied bumkissers have as many jocksniffi­ng scribes who want to have Tom Brady’s baby as any slobbering sports radio station.

No, this was about Donald Trump and Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome.

The trust-funded about-to-legacy pukes at the Globe despise him. And since he’s tight with the Pats’ hierarchy, the Pats’ early deficit last night got everybody in the Globe newsroom pretty excited.

Same thing happened with the press pool in Florida Sunday night. Trump was watching at one of his golf clubs. When the score got to be 28-3 or thereabout­s, he decided to head back to Mar-a-Lago and the pool reporters couldn’t stop laughing. You could read between the lines: Trump the fair-weather fan, front-runner, etc. etc.

The Globe always has the pom-poms out for the team. It’s one of the very few reasons anyone still buys that rag. Their writers are proudly, unashamedl­y in the tank for the team. One of them writes Rahrah-rah, and the other one counters: Sis-boom-bah.

But it all went out the window Sunday night when they saw a chance to slam Donald Trump. The man drives the Globe — and most of the rest of the alt-left media — to absolute flat-out distractio­n. The last time the fake-news Globe got caught this bad was April, when they ran their “satirical” front page about Trump’s election, which of course they knew could never, ever happen, not in a million years.

But they could claim that was … a parody? (Which is what the Globe is every day anyway.) This one, A BITTER END, is for the ages.

In New England anyway, it’s the sports equivalent of “Dewey Defeats Truman.”

Somewhere Mike Barnicle is laughing. Ditto, Jayson Blair and Patricia X. Smith. The tradition continues. Let me quote from the Globe’s truth-matters statement. The headline is: “Our mission. Why we do what we do.”

It begins: “The truth matters. At the end of the day it may be the only thing that matters.”

Which is why the Globe doesn’t — matter, that is.

What little remained of the Globe’s credibilit­y has come to, dare I say it, an end.


Listen to Howie’s radio show 3-7 p.m. today on WRKO AM 680.

 ?? COURTESY PHOTO ?? NOT OVER TILL IT’S OVER: An early Super Bowl edition of yesterday’s Boston Globe hastily used the front-page headline, ‘A Bitter End,’ above, before the Patriots historic comeback.
COURTESY PHOTO NOT OVER TILL IT’S OVER: An early Super Bowl edition of yesterday’s Boston Globe hastily used the front-page headline, ‘A Bitter End,’ above, before the Patriots historic comeback.
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