Boston Herald

If imported shoe fits ... we wear it

- By BEN ACHTENBERG Ben Achtenberg is an Oscar-nominated documentar­y filmmaker, photograph­er and writer. Talk back at letterstoe­ditor@bostonhera­

So Trump wants to whack a 10 percent tax on imports, to protect American workers, and 20 percent on imports from Mexico, to pay for his great wall. At various times, as his primary opponent Ted Cruz pointed out, he has floated rates as high as 45 percent. The actual rates over the past few years — just so you know — have been in the very low single digits.

Well, I’m an American worker (though my wife might contest that) so I thought it might be time for a reality check. How would these increases affect me?

I decided to start as local as you can get — right next to my skin — so I stripped off and looked at the tags in my clothes. Here we go — top to bottom and outside-in.

• Wool winter hat — Nepal (Summer cap – Bangladesh)

• Down vest — Uniqlo, a Japanese company — but vest is made in China

• Gloves — China

• Winter jacket — Sri Lanka

• My very masculine blue all-cotton Covington work shirt — Bangladesh

• My red fleece shirt, for when it gets a bit colder — Sri Lanka

• My T-shirt (Hanes) — Vietnam

• My boxers (Fruit of the Loom) — but the looms are in Vietnam

• My all-American L.L. Bean blue jeans — Mexico

• The briefs I wear to bed (Hanes again) — El Salvador

• My Rockport shoes — no, not made in Rockport, Maine, where the company is. They’re from Vietnam.

I almost forgot about my suits, since I hardly ever wear them, but I have two, both made in China.

Was anything I wear made in the USA? Yes — my socks!

I’d love to support U.S. manufactur­ers but, like most middleclas­s American families, we live on a budget, and modestly priced clothing made in the United States doesn’t seem to exist any more. I’m not sure it’s available even at higher prices. I can pretty well guarantee that if you go into Wal-Mart intending to outfit your kids with affordable U.S.-made school clothes, you’ll leave with an empty shopping cart (except for the aforementi­oned socks, which I highly recommend).

So, what would a 10 percent or 20 percent increase on clothing mean for my family? It wouldn’t bankrupt us, by a long shot, but we’d certainly be inclined to try to buy less and make our things last longer — which would mean that stores would sell less and hire fewer staff members, importers would import less, and so on.

For many families, though, it would mean significan­tly less to spend on food, clothing, rent, cars, health care, school supplies, and other necessitie­s, many of which will also cost 10 to 20 percent more. And if that causes them to cut back on their purchases, it will affect the bottom lines of the companies which import, distribute and market all that stuff — and everybody who works for them in marketing and sales, and the people who clean the stores after hours, and the people who drive the delivery trucks and … well, you get the picture. We live on what other people spend, and other people live on what we spend. All this, of course, will also almost certainly encourage other countries to impose punitive tariffs on our products in retaliatio­n. Stuff’s all connected.

“OK,” you might say, “That’s a great summation of the problem, but what can we do to fix it?” It’s a good question, and I’ll try to get back to you on that. Right now I have to get my clothes back on in time for the next demonstrat­ion.

I’d love to support U.S. manufactur­ers, but modestly priced clothing made in the United States doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

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