Boston Herald

Tassinari gives Latin a leader

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Ascending to the captaincy of the Boston Latin girls hockey team is something that head coach Mary Balaconis takes very seriously.

The fact senior center Rachel Tassinari is a twotime captain speaks volumes about her qualities in that role.

“I just love her work ethic. She just works so hard in practice,” Balaconis said. “Your captain has to be on the ice, and she’s always on the ice, so it was a natural fit.”

It comes as no surprise Tassinari ranks among the team leaders in ice time. From the moment she first laced up a pair of skates, the ice has been her comfort zone, a place where she derives a great deal of happiness.

“I started when I was 5 and never stopped,” Tassinari said. “I saw my older brothers (Joe and Mark) playing, and naturally I wanted to be like them. I just fell in love with the sport.”

Much like Tassinari followed her brothers into hockey, the decision to attend Boston Latin was somewhat similar. Her older sisters, Michelle and Andrea, attended the school, as did Mark, so Rachel couldn’t wait to walk the halls of the oldest public school in the country.

“It’s a great school, the best school in the city of Boston,” Tassinari said. “If you want to go to college, they prepare you for it.”

Tassinari is a poster child for Boston Latin. She is an honors student taking a demanding class load, she’s been a varsity performer since the seventh grade, and her resume extends beyond the school.

Tassinari volunteers at the local church and spends hours at Murphy Rink in South Boston helping the youth hockey programs. It’s just another part of what makes her a respected member of the Boston Latin community.

“I received my confirmati­on at St. Joseph and St. Lazarus Parish, so I’ve volunteere­d my time there,” Tassinari said. “I love working with the young kids playing hockey. It’s great to share my love of hockey with the young girls. I see their passion when they are learning to skate, watching them fall and not being afraid to get back up.”

As Tassinari speaks, Balaconis stands off to the side and smiles. She is thrilled that Tassinari is the leading scorer (30 points) for a Wolfpack team (16-2-3) in the midst of its best season in years, but that’s not the total story.

“My job is to make sure they have a well-rounded resume,” Balaconis said. “These things are very important to me.” And they clearly have been to Rachel Tassinari.

 ?? STAFF PHOTO BY MATT WEST ?? CAPTAIN OF THE WOLFPACK: Boston Latin senior captain Rachel Tassinari skates through some drills with her teammates during practice on Tuesday.
STAFF PHOTO BY MATT WEST CAPTAIN OF THE WOLFPACK: Boston Latin senior captain Rachel Tassinari skates through some drills with her teammates during practice on Tuesday.
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