Boston Herald

Poor Chelsea Clinton can’t get a break

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Meet America’s newest victim — Chelsea Clinton.

Nobody knows the troubles she’s seen. Chelsea’s got a right to sing the blues.

Last week, in the Los Angeles Times, someone named Ann Friedman laid out the former First Spawn’s credential­s as a modern Democrat in good standing. Chelsea is oppressed, as opposed to, say, another first daughter with blond hair.

“Chelsea,” Friedman wrote, “like her mother, never gets a break — unlike Ivanka and her father.”

You don’t say. Now that I think about it, it really must be arduous being Chelsea Clinton. This L.A. Times op-ed appeared a day after it was reported that after a nationwide search, she’d been added to the board of Expedia, a travel company owned by Clinton-connected billionair­e Barry Diller.

The pay: $250,000 a year in stock options, plus $45,000 cash. It’s her second noheavy-lifting director’s gig at a Diller company — she also grabs $299,936 a year for sitting on the board of something called IAC Interactiv­e. Nice work if you can get it.

Chelsea Clinton. How did her father’s aide, Doug Band, describe her?

A “spoiled brat.” In the WikiLeaks emails, Band said she had dipped into Clinton Foundation funds for “her V.I.P. wedding,” which he described as “not smart.”

But then, how could a graduate of such lofty institutio­ns as Stanford, Oxford and Columbia possibly concern herself about such mundane matters as the provenance of money.

“I was curious,” she was once quoted as saying, “if I could care about (money) on some fundamenta­l level, and I couldn’t.”

What exactly are Chelsea’s credential­s? She made $600,000 a year “working” for NBC News alongside anchor-fraud Brian Williams. Somebody did the math on her on-air packages (put together by a producer, of course) and discovered that she was paid $26,724 for every minute she appeared on NBC.

Chelsea Clinton was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple — can I actually say that about a member of a protected class (Democrats) and not be brought up on hate-speech charges? Of course, when the exact same thing was said, and rightly so, of George W. or Jeb! Bush, it was marvelousl­y droll and speaking truth to power.

This Ann Friedman can’t understand why the spawn of Bill and Hillary is so resented for winning the lucky sperm contest.

“The laser-focused Chelsea vitriol is perplexing when it comes from the left,” writes Friedman, who is easily perplexed. “Shouldn’t such firstdaugh­ter hatred be reserved for Ivanka?”

Like Ivanka Trump has had it easy, being screamed at on a JetBlue flight to West Palm by an unhinged homosexual in front of her three babies. Or having her clothing line purged from dying department-store chains on grounds of insufficie­nt Political Correctnes­s.

Chelsea, on the other hand, gets a total free pass. She starts tweeting, and her family’s media rumpswabs swoon.

The fake-news Washington Post says her tweets are “edgy.” Politico describes them as “spicy, sassy.” CNN agrees — Chelsea’s tweets display “sass.”

She only makes $65,000 per speaking engagement. Her Gramercy Park apartment in Manhattan cost a mere $10.5 million. Her net worth, at age 37, is but $15 million.

No wonder she can’t care about money on some fundamenta­l level.

Chelsea Clinton. She just can’t get a break.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? NO WORRIES: Chelsea Clinton earns $65,000 per speech.
AP FILE PHOTO NO WORRIES: Chelsea Clinton earns $65,000 per speech.
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