Boston Herald


Mayor calling for peaceful protests after ugly scene


Mayor Martin J. Walsh is calling on demonstrat­ors to keep the peace after dueling rallies for and against President Trump turned ugly yesterday, when a group of self-proclaimed communists confronted proTrump marchers and set off a series of expletive-laced exchanges through a line of police officers. The demonstrat­ion in Boston, one of dozens of “MAGA Marches” held from coast to coast yesterday in an effort to showcase the “silent majority,” was crashed by anti-Trump protesters, including dozens of self-described communists, who heckled the crowd of proTrump marchers as they worked their way from the North End to Boston Common. What was supposed to be a positive display of support for the president quickly descended to an ugly back-andforth where both groups hurled insults and barbs at each other as they were kept about 50 feet apart by more than a dozen police officers who were called in to keep the peace — a display Walsh said should serve as a reminder to “keep it peaceful.”

“I think there’s been a lot of rallies and protests since the president was elected,” Walsh said. “We just want to keep it peaceful and keep it so it’s lawabiding. That’s important.”

When the march reached the Common, both groups, about 100 people in all, did their best to drown out the other by yelling and chanting.

When the anti-Trump group began an “(expletive) Trump” chant, pro-Trump ralliers countered with chants of “USA.”

When one pro-Trump demonstrat­or shouted: “Hillary supporters do not love the American flag, Trump supporters love the American flag,” a member of the anti-Trump group countered by saying, “The only flag

you stand for has a swastika on it.”

And though tensions never boiled over to physical violence, several of the confrontat­ions came close.

“Come over here, tough guy. Little (expletive),” one Trump supporter yelled while trying to push his way through the line of cops after being labeled a “racist.”

Tara Patenaude, a member of the pro-Trump rally, said she attended the rally because she’s “sick of people bashing my president.”

“Trump is our president,” she said, adding, “if you don’t like it you can go take the border and go. Bye!”

Matthew Andrews, an antiTrump protester, said he attended the counter-demonstrat­ion to show there’s a strong opposition to the Trump administra­tion’s agenda.

“We just want to make sure people who are coming out of Park Street know that this Trump rally doesn’t represent America, doesn’t represent Boston,” he said.

Police officials said the local protests didn’t result in any arrests.

 ?? HERALD PHOTOS BY JIM MICHAUD ?? SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Gary Chong of Cambridge screams at anti-Trump protesters while waving a Trump sign, top, as James Sorentino of Everett, above left, a Trump supporter, faces off with Matthew Andrews of Boston, who was protesting against the president.
HERALD PHOTOS BY JIM MICHAUD SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Gary Chong of Cambridge screams at anti-Trump protesters while waving a Trump sign, top, as James Sorentino of Everett, above left, a Trump supporter, faces off with Matthew Andrews of Boston, who was protesting against the president.
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 ?? HERALD PHOTO BY JIM MICHAUD ?? LETTING HIS FLAG FLY: Taizjon Wallace of Boston, a self-described communist, waves a hammerand-sickle flag during a protest yesterday.
HERALD PHOTO BY JIM MICHAUD LETTING HIS FLAG FLY: Taizjon Wallace of Boston, a self-described communist, waves a hammerand-sickle flag during a protest yesterday.

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