Boston Herald

HOROSCOPE Holiday Mathis


ARIES (March 21April 19). The thing that’s going to solve the problem is simply to press on. You may be educated, strong and talented, too, but those things don’t make so much of a difference today as does dogged determinat­ion.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If there’s something interestin­g to be found in the situation, you’ll find it. Furthermor­e, the answers given to you by the popular accepted sources will simply not be enough today.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When ideas clash in your head, sometimes your stomach or other areas of your body will be affected, as well. Sorting it out in your head will help the rest get sorted out, too. It takes time, so be gentle and patient with yourself.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). For so many, listening is no different from waiting to talk. They are missing out. You’ll have to work to overcome their attention deficit today. When the informatio­n is important, you’ll need to repeat it about five times.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The question will arise as to how competitiv­e you should be with the people around you. If you’re passive and congenial, it’s no fun. But if you’re overly intent on winning, it’s worse. Be mindful and playful and it will all work out.

VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22). Don’t underestim­ate the power of small groups. Even a group the size of two can accomplish much more than a group the size of one. Even though you’re very independen­t, at your root you’re a social creature. Don’t forget it.

LIBRA (Sept. 23Oct. 23). Doing what you’re supposed to do is hardly ever enough in the world of being you. You’re all about the extras. You want to put originalit­y into everything you do; otherwise, your interest level is low.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You have control over how many new things you’ll try, and this is a fine time to try quite a few. There will be much available to you at low or no cost, if you have the time and the curiosity to investigat­e.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Instead of wondering whether you should give someone the benefit of the doubt, set up the situation differentl­y so you have less at risk and the other person has a better understand­ing of how to prove worthy.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Just as soon as you start to get the hang of one thing, you’ll be tempted to jump into the middle of another interestin­g endeavor. Hold back. Think it over.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Alone time is precious, and you shouldn’t spend all of it doing diligent work. Goof off. That’s what good friends do together; you’re learning to be a good friend to yourself.

PISCES (Feb. 19March 20). Follow your whim. If it brings fast fruit, your life is immediatel­y sweeter. If it doesn’t, you’ll still be richer for the knowledge. Either way, you’ve progressed.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 26). An abiding sense of belonging is your cosmic birthday gift — and one you don’t take lightly. You make sure people are better for knowing you, richer for working with you, happier for loving you. April features a restructur­ing of your priorities. Gemini and Sagittariu­s adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 20, 14, 39, 10 and 15.

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