Boston Herald


Forget petty problems, prez now facing first true tests


Still all worked up about that inaugural crowd size controvers­y?

Donald Trump’s presidency is now facing real crises — both in the Middle East and North Korea — that are the first major tests of his judgment and leadership ability.

Trump passed the first test — taking quick action to punish Syria for the horrific gas attack on its own people — but the problems are far from over and threaten to consume the Trump administra­tion.

All those early controvers­ies — like how Kellyanne Conway sat on the Oval Office couch — now seem ridiculous and petty. Does it really matter whether Trump goes to the White House Correspond­ents dinner?

Trump is facing issues of war and death now and his first 100 days in office will likely be judged on how he handles the next few months.

Who would have thought just a few weeks ago that Trump would be embroiled in a showdown with Russia — supposedly his co-conspirato­r in election rigging — and a looming face-off with North Korea?

Nobody. But that’s why we elect presidents — to protect the nation and make tough decisions. America will soon find out whether Trump is up to the challenge.

Trump’s first and most important job is to keep the situation with Russia from spinning out of control. It’s one thing to talk tough against Putin, but no one wants a return to the Cold War.

But the missile attacks on a Syrian air base have inflamed tensions so much that Trump now needs to use diplomacy to ease the crisis. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has a tough job ahead in his high-level talks in Russia. If he succeeds in forcing Russia to back off its military support of Syria, he can claim the trip was a major success.

Then there’s North Korea and its crazy dictator Kim Jong Un. Trump’s decision to send an armada to the region has raised fears of a military confrontat­ion — one which would make the crisis in Syria look like a walk in the park.

Trump might want to start gaining confidence with the American people by laying off the golf and trips to his Florida resort. A few weekends at Mar-a-Lago are tolerable, but let’s not make it a regular thing. Trump needs to show that he’s hard at work — not relishing his old lavish businessma­n lifestyle.

And one more thing — the president might want to think about phasing out his brusque spokesman Sean Spicer. The White House press secretary’s indefensib­le claim that Hitler didn’t attack his own people deserves more than just an apology.

Spicer should go — maybe to a nice desk job at the Commerce Department. Trump can’t conduct a coherent and forceful foreign policy with a gaffe-prone aide. He’s got enough problems already.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? TOUGH TIMES: President Trump speaks during a meeting yesterday.
AP PHOTO TOUGH TIMES: President Trump speaks during a meeting yesterday.
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