Boston Herald

JFK’s movie star looks launched era of TV presidency

- By CARL P. LEUBSDORF Carl P. Leubsdorf is a former Washington bureau chief of The Dallas Morning News.

Today marks the 100th birthday of the nation’s youngest elected president, John F. Kennedy. Though his record is more notable for its promise than its achievemen­t, he remains America’s most popular modern president.

One reason is that the two-thirds of Americans born since that horrific day when Lee Harvey Oswald cut Kennedy’s life short in Dallas have grown up seeing JFK as a vibrant young figure who never grew old.

The 20 percent of us who were at least 10 years old at the time probably have a more nuanced view, based on our recollecti­on of his successes and failures.

Some say he laid the basis for the transforma­tional explosion of federal social and civil rights programs under his successor, Lyndon Johnson. Others blame him for the cataclysms of the ensuing decade, the bloody Vietnam War abroad and the racial strife at home. Revisionis­t volumes have stressed the unsavory aspects of his private life and rated him somewhat lower than his persistent popularity would suggest.

The dichotomy can never be resolved. But beyond the details, this remains Kennedy’s enduring legacy: American politics after him were never the same.

Kennedy was the television era’s first president, the first who regularly held live news conference­s in an age when news was mostly confined to 30 minutes on three networks each night. In today’s media-dominated era, when attractive people populate the political ranks, it’s easy to forget that most top politician­s before Kennedy were middle-aged, gray-haired white men.

With his movie star looks and quick wit, Kennedy benefited not only from television exposure, but from the onset of color television, which enhanced the image of vibrancy we later learned obscured the fact he was far less healthy than he seemed.

Kennedy also launched, for better or worse, the age of celebrity presidents that culminated with November’s election of a billionair­e businessma­n best known for hosting a reality television show. Ironically, Donald Trump’s obsessive self-absorption contrasts sharply with the sense of detachment, both public and private, that was one of Kennedy’s most appealing traits.

Kennedy’s inaugural address further establishe­d his standing as an eloquent new national figure. But the actual presidenti­al record over the next 2 1⁄2 years was marked by leadership far more uncertain than the vibrancy of his persona and the eloquence of his speech.

His first months were marked by his disastrous mishandlin­g of the failed U.S.-backed invasion of Fidel Castro’s Cuba — which he promptly admitted — and a summit meeting with Soviet President Nikita Khrushchev that encouraged the communist leader to install missiles in Cuba, precipitat­ing the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

And in what looks in retrospect like a derelictio­n of leadership, he delayed seeking legislatio­n to alleviate the inequities the exploding civil rights revolution revealed, fearful of alienating powerful Southern supporters though segregatio­nist groups blamed him anyway for expanding desegregat­ion. He ultimately proposed what became, under Lyndon Johnson’s leadership, the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

His combinatio­n of coolness and toughness dramatical­ly forced Russia to back down in the Cuban missile crisis. The following year, he reached a landmark agreement with the Soviet Union banning atmospheri­c nuclear tests that buoyed his popularity.

He died on a trip designed to shore up his political prospects in Texas.

Epitomizin­g the incomplete aspect of his tenure, Kennedy left behind the growing U.S. involvemen­t in Vietnam amid conflictin­g signals about his intentions. Kennedy’s friends and allies disagreed on whether he would have followed Johnson’s course of escalation or would have ended the U.S. involvemen­t.

If Vietnam clouds the Kennedy record substantiv­ely, Theodore White’s post-assassinat­ion interview with Jackie Kennedy for Life magazine gave his presidency an aura that never existed in reality. The president’s widow gave White a glowing account of their evenings at the White

House and quoted what she said were his favorite lines from “Camelot,” a popular Broadway musical portraying King Arthur’s court: “Don’t let it be forgot That once there was a spot For one brief shining moment

That was known as Camelot.”

Top Kennedy advisers, looking back two decades later, disputed any connection between that image and reality.

“It wasn’t like that at all,” historian Arthur Schlesinge­r Jr. said. “I can’t say I remember the Kennedy years that way,” added O’Brien. And White himself said he deserved a “share of the credit and the blame” for creating the Camelot image.

Final judgments of Kennedy’s presidency remain varied.

“He will always be looked upon as a glamorous president, because of his charm and youth,” former President Gerald Ford predicted in 1983. “However, subsequent historians, unaffected by personal exposure to President Kennedy’s dynamic personalit­y, will inevitably chip away at the substance of his 34-month record in the White House.”

Later, volumes blamed him for increasing U.S. involvemen­t in Vietnam and stressed such less savory aspects of his life as the way he and his aides covered up his persistent health problems and his sexual encounters in the White House with multiple partners ranging from a 19-year-old intern to the girlfriend of a Mafia boss.

None of this has dented his popularity or his historical standing. Kennedy’s average job approval in office was 70 percent, Gallup said, the highest of any president since polling began in the 1930s. Forty years later, it reached 83 percent.

James Reston, who was a longtime Washington columnist of The New York Times, summed up Kennedy succinctly the day after he was killed. “What was killed in Dallas was not only the president, but the promise,” he wrote. “The heart of the Kennedy legend is what might have been.”

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