Boston Herald

Trump living in state of Russian denial

War on media, ‘fake news’ blinds prez to Putin threat

- By TRUDY RUBIN Trudy Rubin is a columnist for the Philadelph­ia Inquirer.

President Donald Trump’s twitter tirade against MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski last week revealed more than his continued willingnes­s to demean his office — and women.

This tawdry tweet points to a much more dangerous consequenc­e of Trump’s war on much of the media. His attacks on journalist­s blind him to the real onslaught of fake news.

I refer to the campaign of disinforma­tion, propaganda and cyberwar being waged by Russia to undermine U.S. and European democratic institutio­ns. That includes covert, and overt, meddling in elections.

European leaders recognize the threat, U.S. intelligen­ce agencies have described it and U.S. senators, in rare bipartisan agreement, want to confront it. Yet, as Trump prepares to meet Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, he still denies that Russia’s fake news campaign is real.

That threat, and possible countermea­sures, were detailed in a fascinatin­g conference in Washington, D.C., last week, part of a weeklong series of events called “Disinfowee­k” co-sponsored by the Atlantic Council, Germany’s Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and other U.S. and European organizati­ons.

U.S. Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) in a heartening display of bipartisan­ship, argued that Russia’s disinforma­tion campaign in the 2016 election was about something much bigger than underminin­g Hillary Clinton.

“Vladimir Putin and his disinforma­tion network are not Republican­s, they are opportunis­ts,” Murphy said. “It is just a matter of time before they train their sights on the Republican Party.”

The focus on day-to-day investigat­ions into the Trump administra­tion and Russia, said Murphy, distracts attention from the story of what actually happened. There were “rooms (in Russia) filled with hundreds and hundreds of Russian-paid trolls, troll factories, people that were every single day in enormous numbers standing up fake news, fake accounts inside the United States to try to spread a series of lies to influence our election,” he said.

“The threat is much bigger than one president,” added Portman. “It is much broader than that.”

Portman is correct. The use of disinforma­tion as a KGB foreign-policy tool dates back to the Soviet Union, but has become more central to Russian foreign policy. The spread of social media platforms and technology means that misinforma­tion can be spread like wildfire while covering up the original sources. Portman is also correct that the public debate over Russia’s role in the 2016 election has “too often devolved quickly into partisansh­ip and sometimes hysteria” rather than letting the ongoing investigat­ions get to the bottom of Russia’s involvemen­t. However, that’s largely because Trump insists that the investigat­ions are a “witch hunt” and coverage of the investigat­ions is fake. He refuses to recognize Portman’s point: This is about something much bigger than him.

Europe is far ahead of the United States in confrontin­g the Russian threat, because European leaders recognize the problem. On the continent, the Kremlin openly funds far-right and far-left political groups that are antiAmeric­an, anti-NATO and anti-European Union. The Russians meddled in May during French elections and in preparatio­ns for German elections in the fall.

The Kremlin’s goal, European participan­ts said, is to undermine faith in democratic government­s and promote anti-Americanis­m. It seeks to promote Putin’s semiauthor­itarian model as a nationalis­t, religious conservati­ve alternativ­e to pluralist democracy. (Think this is nuts? Just read what key Trump adviser Steve Bannon has written praising Putin along these lines.)

However, many European leaders have fought back, organizing agencies to track Russian disinforma­tion.

Portman and Murphy believe the United States must fight back, too. They co-authored the 2016 Countering Disinforma­tion and Propaganda Act, now law, which will provide millions to counter propaganda from Russia and China, and help U.S. allies to do likewise.

Yet it is hard to see how the United States can expose Russian informatio­n, and make the American public more aware, when the president refuses to confront that threat or even admit it exists. And when he continues to condemn legitimate U.S. media — not Sputnik or RT — as fake news.

When Trump meets Putin in Hamburg, he’ll have the chance to tell the Russian president bluntly that the disinforma­tion must stop.

Or he can ignore the subject, and keep on tweeting about Mika and “fake news.” That will hand Putin a huge win in his disinforma­tion wars.

 ??  ?? TRUMP: Must get onboard bipartisan agreement for bid to counter Russia.
TRUMP: Must get onboard bipartisan agreement for bid to counter Russia.

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