Boston Herald

Deportatio­ns off to good start, but still plenty to go


Making America great again — one deportatio­n at a time.

Every day, it seems, more illegal immigrants are being booted out of the country. It’s long, long overdue, and I love reading the excuses their taxpayer-funded lawyers come up with for their one-man crime sprees.

Every time I hear one of these sob stories, I think to myself, “One down, 30 million to go!”

Take John Cunningham, the Irish illegal immigrant who lived in Brighton and claimed to be an electrical contractor, even though he had no license. Like so many illegal immigrants, Cunningham had an arrest warrant out for him when he was pinched, after he had gone on Irish TV and bragged about living here.

Back in 2003, he got a 90-day visa and then just … forgot. You can sympathize, can’t you? I mean, if you get pulled over by a cop three days after your car registrati­on expired, he’d accept that I-just-forgot excuse, right?

No, if you were lucky, you’d get a citation. If you weren’t, your car might be towed and you might be taken away in handcuffs.

On this one, the headline from The Washington Post tells it all: “ICE nabs teenager hours before his senior prom.”

Oh well, I’m sure they have proms in Ecuador, and if not, well, it’ll always be one of the kid’s fondest memories of America, along with indoor plumbing and EBT cards.

In Detroit, the newly emboldened feds have rounded up 200 Arabs, and ICE says the “overwhelmi­ng majority” are murderers, rapists and kidnappers. But The Wall Street Journal is weeping buckets because they’re not exactly Arabs, see, they’re Iraqi Christians, er, make that “Chaldeans.” Yeah, that’s the ticket, they’re not illegal immigrant rapists, they’re “Chaldeans.”

Speaking of religion, here’s Juan Rodiguez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador arrested while squatting in Houston. Now he’s claiming that he’s a Seventh-day Adventist and that it would violate his “religious beliefs” to be separated from his wife and kids.

“If he goes, we go,” said the daughter, to which I say: No problem.

Daniel Ramirez Medina is, or was, a gang-banging illegal immigrant Mexican Dreamer with an arrest record and ties to two violent illegal-immigrant gangs. As ICE explained, his tattoos say it all. But Medina’s lawyer said the gang tattoos are just a “peaceful commemorat­ion of his birthplace.” And while he hangs out with gang-bangers, that doesn’t mean he is one himself. Got that?

Last week in Maine, a twice-convicted African crack-cocaine dealer named Faysal A. Mohamed said in court that he shouldn’t be sent back to Sudan. He’s been in the country since 1999 and in court he had to have an interprete­r — another recurring theme in these Third World tales of woe.

Are you tired of winning? But we haven’t won yet — not until every last one of these illegal immigrants is evicted from Everything-Free-in-America.

Go to howiecarrs­ to order Howie’s new book, “Kennedy Babylon: A Century of Scandal and Depravity.”

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