Boston Herald

Antifa thugs give lefty protests a bad name

- By RICH LOWRY Rich Lowry is editor of National Review.

One of the least safe places to be in Berkeley, Calif., is in the vicinity of someone holding a “No Hate” sign.

So-called anti-fascist, or antifa, activists bearing shields emblazoned with those words assaulted any of the handful of beleaguere­d Trump supporters they could get their hands on at a small political rally over the weekend. All in the cause, mind you, of demonstrat­ing their supposed opposition to hatefulnes­s.

Too many people were willing to perfume antifa in the wake of Charlottes­ville, where it clashed with Nazi thugs who caused, and deserved, a wave of national revulsion. But Berkeley demonstrat­es once again the true nature of this leftwing movement, which is thuggish in its tactics and totalitari­an in its sensibilit­y. Anyone who at this point makes excuses for antifa — or worse, justifies it — is participat­ing in its moral rot.

The antifa goons showed up in force at Berkeley at what had been a small “antiMarxis­t” rally of Trump supporters at a public park. Antifa wore its usual fascistic garb of black masks and body armor. They overwhelme­d the police who had been trying to maintain order and, holding aloft smoke-spewing flares, chanted, “Whose park? Our park!”

They then treated suspected Trump supporters with all the decorousne­ss of torch-wielding medieval villagers who believed they had stumbled upon a witch. A leader of a pro-Trump group had to run from a mob that pepper-sprayed and beat him, until he was taken into police custody for his own protection. The targets weren’t Nazis bearing Nazi regalia, but supporters of the duly-elected president of the United States. Or people who were guilty of the offense of committing journalism — a reporter was beaten by the antifa cadres.

Antifa benefited enormously from the horrific events in Charlottes­ville. It became Nazis versus the people standing up to the Nazis, and in that formulatio­n the people standing up to the Nazis always win. There can be no moral equivalenc­e, we were told, between Nazis and their opponents. But that depends on who the opponents are — there is a vast difference between peaceful counterpro­testers and violent thugs, even if they are marching on the same side.

There was certainly moral equivalenc­e between Hitler and Stalin. Likewise, bully-boy fascists spoiling for a fight and black-clad leftists looking to beat them up exist on the same moral plane. They both thrill to violence and benefit from the attention that comes from it. They both reject civility and the rule of law that make a democratic society possible. They both are profoundly illiberal.

All this was lost in the reaction to Charlottes­ville. Liberal commentato­rs spread memes comparing antifa to American GIs who stormed the beaches at Normandy. The comparison would be apt if the 1st Infantry Division got together to spend an afternoon beating up fellow Americans rather than giving its last measure of devotion to breaching Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.

There is a cottage industry in excuse-making for antifa. Mark Bray of Dartmouth College says in The Washington Post that its activists are characteri­zed by “their willingnes­s to physically defend themselves and others from white supremacis­t violence and pre-emptively shut down fascist organizing efforts before they turn deadly,” i.e., assault people and shut down uncongenia­l speech as they deem necessary. Todd Gitlin of Columbia University writes in The New York Times that antifa is “not squeamish about its means” — but he is clearly squeamish about describing it frankly.

There will always be goons who enjoy breaking things and hurting people. The real scandal is that otherwise respectabl­e people are willing to look the other way or explain away the violence, so long as its perpetrato­rs are on their side. They are just as cowardly as the mask-wearing antifa thugs who are brave enough to punch and kick people, but not to show their faces.

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