Boston Herald

‘Terminal’ can mean life left to live

- By J.J. HANSON J.J. Hanson, a terminal brain cancer patient, is president of the Patients Rights Action Fund. “As You Were Saying” is a regular Herald feature. We invite readers to submit guest columns of no more than 600 words. Email to oped@bostonhera­ld

Proponents of assisted suicide are turning up the pressure in many states to legalize the dangerous practice. What began in a few places, has become an onslaught of bills introduced — 29 states this year alone. Fortunatel­y most have been defeated. Now assistedsu­icide proponents have their set their sights on Massachuse­tts.

Legalizing assisted suicide would destroy essential protection­s and care that patients like me depend on as we continue to fight life-threatenin­g illnesses.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer called glioblasto­ma multiforme. I had been living the American dream: happily married, our son had just turned 1, and I had a job that I loved. But all of that changed when I had an unexpected seizure and my doctors discovered the deadly disease. The neurosurge­on told me operating to remove the cancer wouldn’t be possible and I was given a mere four months to live.

For a time, I experience­d despair, and if assisted suicide had been an option in my state, I may have taken it. Thankfully, after gaining some perspectiv­e and working through my diagnosis with my family and others I love, I was lucky enough to pursue cutting edge, experiment­al treatment which has been successful thus far. Today we’re enjoying every moment of our life together and were thrilled to welcome our second son into the world last month.

Many people diagnosed with a terminal illness or suffering from a disability fall into clinical depression and become fearful for the future. These people may lose hope and become willing to prematurel­y end their own lives by assisted suicide. A study conducted in Oregon showed that about 26 percent of the patients who requested assisted suicide had major depressive disorder, but only 4 percent of those individual­s were ever referred for psychologi­cal evaluation.

Instead of incentiviz­ing the developmen­t of new cures and treatments, working to make life more comfortabl­e, and creating support structures for those with lifethreat­ening illnesses, legalizing assisted suicide incentiviz­es the least expensive option — death.

In 2012, the people of Massachuse­tts defeated a ballot question to legalize assisted suicide. But bills to legalize assisted suicide continue to be introduced in the Bay State.

I can speak firsthand to the dangers inherent to making assisted suicide legal in Massachuse­tts, and that is why I have come forward to share my story and dedicated the last two years of my life to fighting assisted suicide legislatio­n across the country. I am convinced that if suicide becomes the social norm it will result in a death-too-soon for many terminally ill patients and other vulnerable people.

The people of Massachuse­tts who don’t want to see the negative consequenc­es of assisted suicide should speak out on the issue and oppose assisted suicide in any way they can.

I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. For a time, I experience­d despair, and if assisted suicide had been an option in my state, I may have taken it.

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