Boston Herald

Be upfront about not holding your baby

- By SUSAN MOSKOP — Katie Willey, MSN, CNM, co-director of Swedish Covenant Medical Group

Your visitors can’t wait to get their hands on your baby, but you’re concerned about germs or waking baby from a nap. How can you gracefully tell someone you don’t want her to hold your baby?

Explain that if the baby gets a cold, he will be admitted to the hospital. Say, “We really can’t pass the baby around in case someone doesn’t realize she’s sick.”

Or blame the pediatrici­an. For example, if a child wants to hold the baby, say, “We’re under strict orders not to let anyone under the age of 18 hold the baby until her 2-month shot.”

In large groups, make a general announceme­nt, such as, “We can only touch the baby’s feet” or “The baby needs to eat, so we’re going to give him some space.”

Parents need to remain strong about who can and can’t hold the baby. They’re made to feel guilty, but taking risks with a newborn is not worth it. — Samantha Trebilcock, owner of Windy City Doulas

Give people a heads-up by saying, “The baby will be around. Is anyone sick? Is everyone up to date on vac- cinations?”

If an ill person wants to hold the baby, there’s no shame in saying, “No, you’re coughing, and I don’t want the baby exposed to that right now.”

A great way to ward off people is called baby wearing. If you have the baby strapped directly to you via a carrier or swaddler, as opposed to ly- ing in a stroller, people aren’t likely to ask to hold him.

Being upfront is the best way to handle situations in- volving your baby.

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