Boston Herald

Sanders hurts Dems' critique of Trump health strategy


WASHINGTON — Democrats are eager to label President Trump’s moves to scrap key Obamacare subsidies and regulation­s as an attack on low- and middle-class Americans’ health care access and pocketbook­s.

But some worry that message might be undercut by the push by Sen. Bernie Sanders and backed by some Democrats for a single-payer “Medicare for all” system.

Last month, Sanders, a Vermont independen­t, blasted Obamacare as “expensive, wasteful and bureaucrat­ic” — words that could imperil Democrats’ efforts to convince voters and Republican­s to save the law.

“If you argue that we need single-payer, you are arguing that Obamacare is insufficie­nt or worse,” Democratic strategist Matt Bennett said.

“That makes the argument that Obamacare needs to be saved much harder to make.”

“What Democrats need to be focused on right now is the Republican effort to blow up the current system,” said Jim Manley, another Democratic strategist.

“We hope folks drop talk of single-payer right now and focus on getting Republican­s to the table with a plan that will stabilize the current system.”

They see an opening to pitch voters and pick up seats in the midterm elections, while pressing Republican­s to reinstate the subsidies they say are needed to keep insurers from fleeing markets and causing premium prices to skyrocket.

Some Republican­s, including Maine U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, have also openly fretted about Trump’s actions.

“These certainly are very disruptive moves that will result in smaller numbers of people being insured that will make it more difficult for low-income people to afford their out-of-pocket costs and that will destabiliz­e the insurance markets,” Collins said yesterday on CNN.

Still, with the GOP controllin­g the House, Senate and White House, Democrats have few tools to stop Trump or prod congressio­nal Republican­s. But they do have the threat of a government shutdown in December — a move House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi has not taken off the table.

Democrats acknowledg­e the peril in that move, which would cost Americans money and cause bureaucrat­ic headaches.

“Anytime you threaten a government shutdown, you’d better be asking for something very serious,” Bennett said.

“There is a danger there. But if you are doing it for the right reason and you can articulate that reason clearly, it’s less dangerous.”

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