Boston Herald


More employer flexibilit­y, competitio­n, pols say

- By MARIE SZANISZLO — mszaniszlo@bostonhera­

State Senate Democrats who have filed a new health care cost-control bill that would create a MassHealth “buy-in” program, a target for hospital reimbursem­ent rates and new oversight for pharmaceut­ical companies are hoping the measure ultimately becomes the model for “Trumpcare.”

“What is now called Obamacare started right here in Massachuse­tts with a Senate bill, and it became Romneycare, and it became Obamacare,” Majority Leader Harriette Chandler said as the bill was unveiled yesterday. “I probably shouldn’t be so bold to say, but I suspect that this could become Bakercare, and I would like to see it become Trumpcare because I think this is what the country needs.”

The bill, which is scheduled for a public hearing Monday, would permit MassHealth — the state’s version of Medicaid — to offer what the senators described as an “optional expanded Medicaid buy-in plan for employers.”

State Sen. James T. Welch, who headed the group that authored the bill and a related report, said this would offer a new option for employers whose workers qualify for MassHealth, allowing them to coordinate with the program to offer “a MassHealth-type plan,” with the cost borne by the employer.

“It’s not adding any cost to the system,” Welch said. “It’s just creating a more flexible way for employers to offer competitiv­e plans for their employees.”

From 2015 to 2016, health care spending in the state rose 4.8 percent to $59 billion, according to the Center for Health Informatio­n Analysis, which attributed much of the spending increase to outpatient hospital use and pharmaceut­icals.

“We hear from people all the time that health care is too expensive,” said Brian Rosman, policy director at the nonprofit Health Care for All. “It would be a lot cheaper to keep people healthy in the first place.”

The bill seeks to reign in pharmaceut­ical spending by requiring drug makers to submit pricing informatio­n and bring them under the oversight of CHIA and the Health Policy Commission.

“As premiums reflect the cost of care, addressing rising drug prices and increases in the prices charged by providers is critical to make health care more affordable for employers, consumers and the state,” Lora Pellegrini, Massachuse­tts Associatio­n of Health Plans president, said in a statement.

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