Boston Herald

‘O’ lacks KO punch

Something missing in 4th quarter

- PATRIOTS BEAT Karen Guregian Twitter: @kguregian

Tom Brady hasn’t been able to hide his frustratio­n on the sidelines in recent weeks. Sure, the Patriots are winning, and the bottom line is what ultimately matters. But the performanc­e of the offense still is driving him slightly crazy.

Why? Check the fourth quarter.

The past two games, the offense has had the opportunit­y to do what it usually does best. Against the Jets and Buccaneers, it had an opponent set up and primed for the kill, only it couldn’t deliver the knockout blow.

That failure led both opponents to be in a position to win or tie the game, as the Patriots defense was forced to make a final stop. While those two games did result in victories, some of Brady’s agitation stems from the fact the offense is not executing when it needs to the most. And that’s such a rare concern. The offense doesn’t usually disappear during key points in the game, namely the fourth quarter.

So what’s missing? Why haven’t they been able to put games away? Let’s start with the obvious. While they’ve managed pretty well, the loss of Julian Edelman always is going to be a factor.

Every short-yardage, thirddown scenario they don’t make in the fourth quarter, just picture Brady stepping under center with an empty backfield. Then imagine Edelman firing out and getting open for the necessary yards it takes. Now see Brady taking two steps back and hitting him. Just like that, boom, first down. How many times did that happen last year? Answer: A lot.

Edelman led the NFL in thirddown receiving yards (431) last year and was second with 28 catches. He always has been their chainmover. So Edelman’s loss and impact is felt every game, but especially during the vital moments like putting the dagger in an opponent.

Danny Amendola has done a terrific job converting 10-of-12 third-down chances and one on fourth down. He’s been clutch in so many ways.

But the dagger still was missing at the Meadowland­s Sunday.

After Stephen Gostkowski kicked a 28-yard field goal on a drive that carried into the fourth quarter to put the Pats up 24-14 with 14:13 left to play, that was it for the offense.

They had two chances to bury the Jets in the fourth quarter and couldn’t even get a first down. On the first series, a holding penalty on Marcus Cannon negated an 18yard run by Dion Lewis. That put the Pats in a hole. Penalties have been a killer throughout the season. So that’s one more factor contributi­ng to the problem.

In the Tampa Bay game, the Pats led 16-7 at the end of three quarters. In the two possession­s they had in the fourth quarter, they managed just two first downs, punting twice. They did kick a field goal, but that was after recovering an onside kick. They didn’t get a first down on that possession.

Rob Gronkowski, who is a reliable option to move the chains (10-for-12 on third down), didn’t play vs. Tampa Bay. As for Brandin Cooks, he hasn’t quite delivered in those must-have situations. He’s been great on the long ball, but coming across the middle for those short quick slants, he doesn’t have that brand of crazy that Edelman and Amendola possess. He’s just 3-for-10 on third-down targets.

“You have to execute what you’re doing, whatever that may be,” Patriots offensive coordinato­r Josh McDaniels said yesterday. “Run, pass, pass protection, routes, throws, whatever the play is in that situation. If you want to finish the game on offense, which is what we always try to do, you’re going to have to get first downs and possess the ball. The defense is trying to get the ball for their offense. There’s usually going to be a lot of tight coverage . . . we have to do a better job of executing in those situation so we can finish the game with the ball, which is always a goal of ours when we have the lead. So yeah, it’s frustratin­g when we don’t do that.

“All of us can do better. I can do better. Every position group can do better to impact those situations in a positive manner.”

Running back James White, who leads the team with 33 catches, can be utilized more. Another issue has been the absence of Rex Burkhead, who has missed the past few weeks with a rib injury. He’s another option as a chain-mover. Plus, tight end Dwayne Allen has been an absolute dud in the passing game. Last year, Martellus Bennett was helpful in extending drives and burying opponents late. Allen hasn’t done much of anything in that regard.

“We’ve had stretches where we’ve executed well and had stretches and done a lot of good things. We’ve certainly had stretches where we didn’t,” McDaniels said. “We’re in the process of trying to improve and get better.”

 ?? STAFF FILE PHOTO BY MATT STONE ?? LATE TROUBLES: Tom Brady and offensive coordinato­r Josh McDaniels need to find a way for the offense to put games away in the fourth quarter.
STAFF FILE PHOTO BY MATT STONE LATE TROUBLES: Tom Brady and offensive coordinato­r Josh McDaniels need to find a way for the offense to put games away in the fourth quarter.

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