Boston Herald

Time to step up game in terror fight

‘Diversity’ lottery no way to pick immigrants

- Michael GRAHAM Michael Graham writes regularly for the Boston Herald. His daily podcasts are available at MichaelGra­

“Diversity visa lotteries” are the bump stocks of American immigratio­n policy: Stupid, unnecessar­y and dangerous.

And, like the bump stocks, this idiotic greencard lotto is going to be difficult to get rid of for reasons that have nothing to do with the policy itself. Because everybody knows the policy is idiotic.

The concept of diversity visa lotteries is as bad as it sounds.

“The idea is to promote immigratio­n from countries that are not well-represente­d in the family-based or employment-based systems,” Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigratio­n Studies told me yesterday.

Or to put it another way, if you have no job, no skills and no family here to greet you when you arrive the visa lottery program says . . . “Come on down!”

Like most of America’s bad immigratio­n laws, this one originated with Massachuse­tts’ own U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy. As The New York Times reported in 1991:

“The new law, co-sponsored by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachuse­tts, favors the Irish, who are allotted at least 40 percent of the places. Some critics describe it as a disguised amnesty for the more than 100,000 undocument­ed immigrants from the Republic of Ireland who are living illegally in America.”

Kennedy’s problem, as Vaughan explained, was that his immigratio­n law of 1965 gave priority to low-skill, poorly-educated immigrants from Latin America and their families. How to take care of the Irish under that system? Diversity! The new crop of immigrants, Kennedy essentiall­y argued, were too monochroma­tic.

“This is kind of a white person’s lottery,” Michael Maggio, a Washington­based immigratio­n lawyer, told the Times.

Gee, I wonder if U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York will be making that argument?

Over the years, the numbers have changed to benefit different nations: Bangladesh, Poland, Sudan.

“Today, four of the top seven lottery nations are designated by the U.S. government as having problems with terrorism,” Vaughan says.

And the problem doesn’t end there, because once we get a random arrival from Exploding Backpackis­tan, our chain-migration policies kick in. One lottery “winner” turns into hundreds of largely unvetted immigrants to the U.S. All from a coin flip.

Seriously, is there a dumber way to decide who gets to immigrate to the U.S. than randomly giving away visas? We had 19.6 million foreigners enter the green-card lottery in 2011, competing for one of the 50,000 golden tickets. And we decided who to let in based on luck of the draw?

I support immigratio­n based on merit, as in the new RAISE act proposed by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and supported by the White House. When you have 20 million people lining up to join your club, why not limit your membership to the best and brightest?

I don’t support, but I can at least understand, immigratio­n based on conditions in other countries: Let people in the worst places escape to the world’s best.

What I cannot understand at all is a policy based on the premise of, “Hey, we don’t have many people coming here from your country, Sayfullo. Why don’t we randomly give you a visa just to mix things up. You know — variety is the spice of life? And your name means ‘Sword of Allah?’ Now that’s spicy!”

This is a country, not a cookbook. We’re not writing a recipe, we’re running a nation. Mixing in a pinch of Pakistanis and a touch of Turkmen simply for variety’s sake isn’t a policy. It’s pure stupidity.

In 2006, Schumer bragged about his role in creating the green-card lottery and he said he liked the results. “As I ride my bike around New York City on the weekends, I see what immigrants do for America.”

Fortunatel­y for the New York senator, he wasn’t out on his bike this past Tuesday.

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