Boston Herald

Galvin labels challenger Zakim as `sneaky'

- — hillary.chabot@bostonhera­

Secretary of State William F. Galvin launched a full-bore offensive against challenger Josh Zakim yesterday, casting the Boston city councilor as a “sneaky” political opportunis­t looking to pump up statewide name recognitio­n in what’s quickly become an explosive race.

“The Boston City Council is sort of an incubator. When you get paid that much to do so little I guess you have a lot of time on your hands,” Galvin said of Zakim’s newly announced statewide ambitions.

“He was being sneaky about his candidacy,” Galvin added, pointing out that the 33-year-old city councilor announced his bid for secretary of state just weeks after Boston voters re-elected him.

Zakim supporter and former state Treasurer Steve Grossman hit back, saying the Back

Bay Democrat is ready to unleash,

“an army of activists who are intent on improving voter empowermen­t. It’s time for a change.”

The fresh-faced city councilor, son of the late Anti-Defamation League New England director Leonard Zakim, is seeking to woo the same energized, progressiv­e tide that boosted Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidenti­al campaign. Galvin has held the office since 1994, and boasts a strong record and a nearly $3 million campaign war chest. The veteran Beacon Hill pol yesterday questioned Zakim’s ability to capture the statewide vote.

“Somewhat to my surprise he’s someone whose name is unknown,” the 67-year-old said. “He’s the lowest vote-getter on the city council.”

Grossman, who worked alongside Galvin in the State House for four years, shot back quickly.

“Rather than trying to undermine Josh’s character, the secretary would do well to think about what disenfranc­hised voters need,” Grossman shot back.

Meanwhile, Zakim has already challenged Galvin to several debates, citing the incumbent’s history of lowprofile elections.

“I’m happy to talk about issues that are relevant to the office,” said Galvin, adding that many of his past challenger­s such as 2014 Green-Rainbow candidate Danny Factor, simply want to get name recognitio­n.

“I have a job to do, I can’t spend all day entertaini­ng folks who are looking to get more exposure,” he said.

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