Boston Herald



If you’re looking for winners in the government shutdown battle, you can call off the search — there were none.

Republican lawmakers certainly didn’t win by weaponizin­g young immigrants seeking only to continue studying, working and contributi­ng billions to the U.S. economy. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went so far as to say that Democrats were just pandering to “extreme elements of their base,” though support for finding a solution for so-called “Dreamers,” who were brought into the country as children, is wide and bipartisan.

President Trump, who billed himself in his campaign as a master dealmaker, didn’t come out ahead either. He was relegated to the sidelines after repeatedly frustratin­g Democrats and Republican­s with his waffling and interferen­ce. His biggest contributi­on to the discourse? An offensive campaign ad baselessly charging Democrats with being accessorie­s to murder — something even House Speaker Paul Ryan said was not “productive.”

But the biggest losers of all were the Democrats. Not only did they fail to craft an effective message to counter the GOP’s attacks, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and his colleagues squandered the little bit of political leverage they had to end up right where they started — with no deal for DACA and nothing more than McConnell’s word that they’ll deal with Dreamers later.

Worse, they showed their hand with an offer of funds for Trump’s border wall, setting the floor for negotiatio­ns that now must start from scratch.

And worst of all, the Democrats undercut the biggest asset they have heading into the 2018 midterm elections: the grassroots activists who had been energized on their behalf.

Ilya Sheyman of called the agreement to end the shutdown “a bad, outrageous deal.”

“Trump and Republican­s in Congress stood with their anti-immigrant nativist base, and too many Democrats backed down, abandoned Dreamers, and failed to fight for their values.”

As Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) told Bloomberg of his own party: “They caved. They blinked. That’s what they do.”

Democrats tout that they got funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years in the vote. However, according to the Congressio­nal Budget Office, a deal to fund it for 10 years would have paid for itself with savings. A six-year deal won’t. Another lost opportunit­y.

And despite McConnell’s assurances, the Democrats did nothing to secure a promise from Ryan. The speaker is a strict adherent to the so-called Hastert Rule of not bringing any measure to a vote without support from the majority of the majority. The chances of anything passing with lopsided Democratic support is slim to none.

Democrats’ only bright side: As the battle resets ahead of a Feb. 8 deadline, they can’t do much worse.

 ?? AP PHOTOS ?? OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, top, makes the thumbs-up sign as he leaves the Senate floor after reaching an agreement — led by a bipartisan group of senators, above — to end the government shutdown.
AP PHOTOS OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, top, makes the thumbs-up sign as he leaves the Senate floor after reaching an agreement — led by a bipartisan group of senators, above — to end the government shutdown.
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