Boston Herald


Stephanopo­ulos should ask ex-FBI chief these questions

- Adriana COHEN Adriana Cohen is a Boston Herald radio host and syndicated columnist. Follow her on Twitter @AdrianaCoh­en16.

ABC News anchor George Stephanopo­ulus, a former Democratic operative has — surprise — landed an interview with fired FBI Director James Comey to plug his new book.

Here are a few questions the former Clintonite should, but won’t, ask:

• Hillary Clinton broke the law when she recklessly mishandled classified emails, deleted 33,000 emails, wiped servers and destroyed devices relevant to a federal investigat­ion into her rogue servers — all serious crimes. Yet you shielded her from prosecutio­n, which kept her in the presidenti­al race. Don’t you owe Bernie Sanders and the American people an apology for meddling in the election?

• Did President Obama, Loretta Lynch or anyone else instruct and/ or pressure you to not prosecute Hillary Clinton and her associates?

• You testified before Congress that you made the decision to not prosecute Clinton only after the FBI interviewe­d her. However you wrote an exoneratio­n letter months before 17 key witnesses were interviewe­d, including Clinton herself. Isn’t that perjury?

• Why did you give immunity deals to all of Clinton’s associates for nothing in return?

• You wrote memos memorializ­ing your meeting with President Trump prior to your firing. Have you ever kept memos in meetings with President Obama? If so, can the American people see those?

• Did you know of FBI agent Peter Strzok’s, FBI attorney Lisa Page’s and British spy Christophe­r Steele’s extreme animus toward Trump? Why did you keep Clinton supporters on the email investigat­ion, and use Steele’s discredite­d dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump associates, even after you knew he was a liar?

• How could the head of the FBI not know the dossier was funded by the Clinton campaign and DNC? Do you really think it is appropriat­e to use questionab­le opposition research to spy on an American presidenti­al election?

• The Clinton campaign failed to properly declare the money it funneled through a lawyer to spend on Fusion GPS and the dossier as campaign expenses. Should Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for violating election law?

• Given that the only evidence of any collusion with Russians that has emerged so far involves the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party, should special counsel Robert Mueller start looking at them, instead of harassing Trump associatio­ns with perjury traps?

Mr. Comey’s welcome on my Boston Herald Radio show anytime to plug his new book.

But I won’t hold my breath.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTOS ?? ONE-ON-ONE: NBC News anchor — and former Bill Clinton operative — George Stephanopo­ulos has an interview lined up with fired FBI Director James B. Comey, left.
AP FILE PHOTOS ONE-ON-ONE: NBC News anchor — and former Bill Clinton operative — George Stephanopo­ulos has an interview lined up with fired FBI Director James B. Comey, left.
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