Boston Herald

Silence not golden for Republican­s

- By JONAH GOLDBERG JonahGoldb­erg’snewbook,“TheSuicide­oftheWest,”willberele­asedApril2­4.

I don’t usually dispense relationsh­ip advice in this column. But the adage about marriage is often true of politics: What is not said is more destructiv­e than what is said.

For example, over the last 18 months the president has said and done a number of things that warranted dissent from Republican­s — not just from party leaders, but from rank-and-file legislator­s, pundits and other commentato­rs. But the dogs did not bark, opting to stay silent.

We need not take up too much space quibbling over specifics. All one need do is play the “What if Obama said this?” game to see that the moral arc of the GOP has bent toward President Trump.

Then, a few weeks ago, the president proposed sweeping steel and aluminum tariffs and heaped praise on the benefits of trade wars. Suddenly, Congress and much of the conservati­ve commentari­at rose up in protest.

Trump’s top economic advisor, Gary Cohn, who reportedly almost resigned last summer over the president’s morally equivocati­ng response to a neoNazi rally, apparently found tariffs a nobler hill to die on.

As a free-trader, I welcome this response. But just imagine you’re a run-of-the-mill Democratic congressio­nal candidate looking to unseat a Republican who never spoke up about Trump’s “(expletive) countries” remark, the unfolding drama over Stormy Daniels, Trump’s endorsemen­t of Roy Moore, his attacks on the First Amendment or his flirtation with cutting off aid to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico because of a spat with the mayor of San Juan.

How easy it would be to say: “My opponent never objected to these things, but when Trump tried to save manufactur­ing jobs, he leapt to his feet to protest at the bidding of the same fat-cat free-traders and globalist big businesses that outsourced so many of your jobs. My opponent is OK with the president endorsing and campaignin­g for an accused child molester, but he will fight to the death to keep cheap Chinese steel pouring into this country.”

Yes, it’s a dumb economic argument — steel tariffs would cost more American manufactur­ing jobs than they’d save — but it’s a great political one.

This is just one illustrati­on of the Republican dilemma. The president divides the right while he unifies the left. Praise Trump on his controvers­ial statements and you risk alienating suburban Republican­s, particular­ly women. Criticize Trump and you risk not only his wrath, but also the wrath of the portion of his base that demands rhetorical fealty to Trump in all things. Because this constituen­cy has disproport­ionate influence in conservati­ve media and GOP primaries, the safest course of action is often silence, or some clever dodge like, “I don’t respond to tweets.”

The GOP has created a kind of collective-action problem for itself. By making these individual decisions out of selfintere­st in the moment, the party as a whole ends up getting pulled in a direction not of its own choosing.

Voters don’t judge parties on their lists of principles, but on their real-world priorities. Not objecting to something sends as clear a signal as objecting does. It’s fun to listen to Republican­s vent off the record, but most Americans don’t get to hear any of that. They do hear the silence, however.

Off the record, Republican­s often say they’re afraid Trump responds to being told not to do something by doing it out of spite. That’s a real concern. But it’s not an excuse.

Not objecting to something sends as clear a signal as objecting does.

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