Boston Herald

‘Middle’ America long overlooked

- By SALENA ZITO Salena Zito is a CNN political analyst.

Earlier this year, Bill Kristol, editor at large at The Weekly Standard, tweeted ahead of the Super Bowl that it was too bad the New England Patriots and the Philadelph­ia Eagles had to play their matchup “in the middle of nowhere.”

It was a reference to the host city of Minneapoli­s’ location in the Midwest, far from the “civilized cities” of Boston and Philadelph­ia.

In my estimation, there is no patch of geography in this country that is the “middle of nowhere.” This is America; everywhere is the middle of somewhere.

We are all equals; we all contribute to the culture, diversity, dialect and importance of this country. We build things. We serve in our communitie­s. We serve in our military. We create families, businesses and technology no matter where we are.

It is an idea and an ideal that Hillary Clinton not only got wrong in the last election but is still getting wrong. Her remarks in India in March reinforced that.

“If you look at the map of the United States, there’s all that red in the middle where Trump won,” she said. “I win the coast. I win, you know, Illinois and Minnesota — places like that.”

She went on to say that where she won, America is thriving: “I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product. So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.”

Clinton is not the only person to hold that contempt. Many of her supporters have gone on to agree with her and hold those same strident positions — and their condescens­ion toward half of the country has only deepened since November 2016.

No one has learned anything; no one cares to.

Elites don’t get that they are just as optimistic, just as diverse, just as dynamic, and that they deal with the same issues of gender, sexuality and race just as often. They just don’t make slick commercial­s of their lives to reinforce their worthiness. They deal with these issues with dignity, not fanfare.

The response last week to Roseanne Barr’s return to ABC prime-time television floored these same elites — the twoepisode premiere attracted an astounding 18.2 million viewers, overperfor­ming in states in the very middle of America like Oklahoma, Ohio and Pennsylvan­ia, where towns like Claremore, Center of the World and Intercours­e are always beating back the notion they are “in the middle of nowhere.” Cities like New York and Los Angeles did not even crack the top 20.

Those “middle of nowhere” places showed everyone they are a viable and prosperous force to be reckoned with, and that whether they supported Donald Trump or not, they are tired of rarely finding an American family on television who looks like them — when they do, those shows are often canceled too quickly.

Politics, government, Hollywood and popular culture have long overlooked the middle of America — the last generation has focused on diversity of color and gender, leaving behind the religious, cultural and economic diversity of the Midwest. Midwestern­ers’ role has been to be a butt of a joke, mocked or sneered at, or all three.

Our current political populism has been a pushback against larger institutio­ns like Hollywood and its disconnect with the heartland — and against establishm­ent politician­s, like Clinton and her unmasked contempt for those who live here.

It is only once the people in power understand that Trump was the result of this movement, not the cause, that maybe they’ll start calling all of America the middle of somewhere.

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