Boston Herald

Stormy may not be able to weather shame fame

- — joe.fitzgerald@bostonhera­

It’s not the tawdry, noclass essence of pornograph­ic “actress” Stormy Daniels that’s so grating as we watch her milking every misbegotte­n moment in the spotlight.

No, it’s those who are enabling her.

Having far exceeded her 15 minutes of fame, she’s doing whatever she can with whatever she has to maintain the illusion she’s a serious person with an important story to tell.

She is nothing of the sort, and if her dalliance had been with a lustful Democrat — there have been plenty to choose from — her value as a newsmaker would have been lower than her neckline.

But because she’s out to embarrass Donald Trump, the left-wingers who’ve been nipping at his heels ever since voters elected him have embraced her as a paragon of political substance, as if she were an Eleanor Roosevelt or Golda Meir.

Please. If she has political kinship with anyone, it’s with Annabelle Battistell­a, the Argentine Firecracke­r. Remember her?

Like Stormy, who was born Stephanie Clifford, the Firecracke­r reinvented herself as Fanne Foxe and had her own 15 minutes of fame when she was in a wee-hour Washington accident with Rep. Wilbur Mills, then chairman of the all-powerful Ways and Means Committee.

A month later the boozy Arkansas Democrat followed her here to the seedy Pilgrim Theatre where, taking a breather from removing her clothes, she persuaded the inebriated fool to join her on stage: “Mr. Mills! Where are you?”

That was a media circus, too, but Fanne’s pretty much forgotten now, having been seen as what she was.

Stormy, on the other hand, continues to be treated as what she imagines herself to be, a woman of great significan­ce.

An old tale tells of a man who, having met a woman in a bar, asks, “Would you spend the night with me for $100?”

“Yes,” she answered. “Well, would you do it for $10?”

“Ten dollars?” she replied indignantl­y. “What do you think I am?”

“We’ve already establishe­d what you are,” he said. “Now we’re just negotiatin­g the price.”

Stormy Daniels is what she has always been. That’s her business. But it does not mean the rest of us should permit her to affect how we feel about this president.

We don’t need Stormy to tell us he has his imperfecti­ons.

Truth be told, there’s something pathetic about how she’s being used.

When the liberal media tosses her aside after manipulati­ng her for their own partisan purposes, which they surely will, this “adult film star” will come to understand what it truly means to have been exploited.

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