Boston Herald

Pack your beach bag with new, captivatin­g reads



There are a couple of times of year when colleagues start casually stopping by my office to chat about books. Come June, they’re looking for something good and fun to read when they finally get to take a break — a vacation, a trip with the family, heading to the beach or pool or campground or even just the backyard. Summer is when many of us get a chance to settle in with a book, something that might provide a bit of escape. Here are books to look forward to — and a few that are already out, if you’re ready to get started on your summer reading.


Novelist Anne Tyler — best known for “The Accidental Tourist” — has been publishing moving, best-selling novels for 40 years, and she’s back with

“Clock Dance” (Knopf, July), an episodic story of Willa Drake, a woman whose life seems straightfo­rward enough until, in her 60s, she agrees to take care of a stranger’s daughter and dog and gets caught up in their world.

For a literary romance, try “The Verdun Affair” by Nick Dybeck (Counterpoi­nt, June), a historical fiction that begins in 1950 in Los Angeles, where a Hollywood screenwrit­er runs into someone from his past. Their story stretches back to Europe in the years following the First World War, and the novel unravels a love triangle and its players’ secrets.

On the lighter side, Georgia Clark’s novel “The

Bucket List” (Atria, August) is a witty, sexy take on a well-worn theme. After a buttoned-up 25-yearold woman learns she has the BCRA1 gene mutation and should have a double mastectomy to reduce her risk of breast cancer, she comes up with a to-do list of breast adventures, which she sets out to complete. It’s got one of the most head-turning covers of the summer.

But giving Clark’s cover a run for its money is “The

Pisces” by Melissa Broder (Hogarth, out now). This acclaimed novel is a engrossing tale of a woman wrestling with her demons — an unfinished Ph.D., therapy for addiction — who comes to Venice, Calif., and falls in love with a merman. As we saw in “The Shape of Water,” it happens.


Few writers get at the dark corners of the female psyche like Megan Abbott. In her new psychologi­cal thriller, “Give Me

Your Hand” (Little, Brown, July), two female scientists who were friends in high school compete for the same position working for their mentor in groundbrea­king research and become deep rivals.

In “Bearskin” (Ecco, June), the debut novel from James A. McLaughlin, a not-at-all innocent man on the run from a Mexican drug cartel tries to start over with an assumed name and a job at a remote Virginia nature preserve. But when a bear is killed on the grounds, it opens the door to trouble and violence.

Los Angeles writer Jessica Knoll (“Luckiest Girl Alive”) uses reality TV as the setting for her new thriller, “The Favorite

Sister” (Simon & Schuster, out now). Entreprene­ur competitor­s — all women, two who are sisters — are set up to have camera-ready catfights and the rest. But one ends up dead.


Reality TV is the setting as well for the nonfiction book “Bachelor Nation”

(Dutton, out now) by my Times colleague Amy Kaufman. The longrunnin­g series that starts with strangers and ends with a happy couple (if all goes as planned) is back for a new season, and Kaufman’s book is a delicious look behind the scenes.

The biggest book I’m suggesting you bring to the beach is “Bruce Lee:

A Life” by Matthew Polly (Simon & Schuster, June). Sure, it’s 656 pages, but it’s the first authoritat­ive biography of the martial arts teacher and movie star, who died mysterious­ly at 32 but whose films, like “Enter the Dragon,” still thrill decades later.


The slimmest book on this list is “American Sonnets for My Past and

Future Assassin” by Terrance Hayes (Penguin, June), but that doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. All of these poems were written by the inventive National Book Awardwinni­ng poet and MacArthur fellow during the first 200 days of Donald Trump’s presidency.


Historian Nell Painter was 64 when she stepped down from her job at Princeton to attend the Rhode Island School of Design. She chronicles that experience in her memoir “Old in Art

School” (Counterpoi­nt, June), bringing her fierce intelligen­ce to questions not just of age but also race and what it means to be an artist.

Young writer Michael Arceneaux’s coming-ofage essay collection, “I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race and Other Reasons I’ve Put My Faith in Beyonce” (Atria, July), touches on growing up in Texas, coming out to his mother and embracing his identity.

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