Boston Herald

Justice Dept. must learn the truth now

A few questions for Agent Strzok

- — adriana.cohen@bostonhera­

On Thursday, Trumphatin­g FBI agent Peter Strzok, who oversaw the sham probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails and had a lead role in the genesis of the Russian “collusion” witch hunt, will testify before Congress. Here are a few questions lawmakers should ask:

• In a text message to FBI lawyer Lisa Page, you said you’ll stop Donald Trump from becoming president. Explain.

• Did anyone in government pressure you to clear Hillary Clinton and her associates despite evidence she and others broke the law?

• When discussing Clinton’s mishandlin­g of classified informatio­n, you changed Comey’s language from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” removing criminal liability. Why?

• In another text, you discussed an “insurance policy.” Was that the Russian collusion investigat­ion —and massive disinforma­tion campaign that accompanie­d it? If not, then what?

• Anyone else who handled classified informatio­n and emails as Clinton did would’ve been indicted for — at minimum — obstructio­n of justice. Why wasn’t she?

• You gave all Clinton associates immunity for nothing in return. Why? And why has no one associated with Trump received immunity from prosecutio­n?

• While on the Mueller investigat­ion, you lead a scorched earth investigat­ion against Trump and his associates yet you used kid gloves with Clinton — whom you wanted to become president. Can you see how millions of Americans believe your extreme animus against Trump has jeopardize­d the integrity of both investigat­ions?

• The FBI used a disgraced ex-British spy, Christophe­r Steele, as a source to launch a massive counterint­elligence investigat­ion against a U.S. presidenti­al campaign after firing Steele for lying and leaking to media. Is it common practice for the FBI to use a source that by its own standard is discredite­d?

• Former FBI Director James Comey said Steele’s dossier was “unverified and salacious.” How can garbage intel be used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on a presidenti­al campaign?

• What roles were played by former President Barack Obama, former FBI agent Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorneys General Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein in the Clinton email investigat­ion?

A failure to obtain the truth — and hold those accountabl­e who’ve lost our trust — will forever destroy the integrity of the U.S. Justice Department. Congress must prevent that from happening or America will officially become a police state whose law enforcemen­t — not unlike Russia and North Korea — is used as a weapon to target political opponents, and orchestrat­e political coups that nullifying elections. A terrifying scenario for all Americans.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? IN THE HOT SEAT: FBI agent Peter Strzok, center, will testify before Congress this week.
AP FILE PHOTO IN THE HOT SEAT: FBI agent Peter Strzok, center, will testify before Congress this week.
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