Boston Herald

Protect value of voting, veto the auto-enroll bill


Voting in elections is the most valuable way citizens are empowered to influence their democracy and we tinker with the process at our own peril.

Last week, the Massachuse­tts Senate approved a system designed to make it easier to register and vote in elections. The bill would automatica­lly update a person’s voter registrati­on when that person has a transactio­n at the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The person would then get something in the mail informing them that they can now vote and join a political party or they could decline to register.

If the governor signs the bill, Massachuse­tts would join 13 other states that already use automatic voter registrati­on.

Progressiv­e groups are cheering the passage of the bill that would give approximat­ely 680,000 eligible but unregister­ed citizens a new avenue to participat­e in elections. Though it is wonderful that people of the commonweal­th participat­e in their democracy, why would we register those who have not asked to vote?

As far as we know, there are 680,000 people who are completely content not to register to vote and may have no interest in punching a ballot, ever.

Automatic voter registrati­on would mean spending money on a problem that does not exist. Low voter turnout is considered by many to be a problem, but voter registrati­on is not. Anybody who wants to register can go and register. If people don’t want to leave their houses and go to a polling place, so be it. There is a way to participat­e in the process. It is not hard to do. If they don’t want to get involved we should not make them.

If someone is so totally disengaged from all of the aspects of life that voting can impact, how much do we want that person affecting our lives?

The right to vote was hardfought for many in this country and it served to open the door to true equality. Now the commonweal­th of Massachuse­tts looks to cheapen our most-sacred privilege by handing it out people who could never appreciate its true value. It is also fair to ask just how we are going to make sure that noncitizen­s aren’t automatica­lly added to the voter rolls. We know that many of our elected officials are openly and enthusiast­ically pushing for voting rights for noncitizen­s. Do we believe that they’ll work to ensure proper vetting when it comes to automatic voter registrati­on?

More and more, this bill looks like a solution — more than likely an expensive one — in search of a problem.

We have it good in this country. We know in our hearts that, since its inception, our country has depended on a level of civic responsibi­lity and we have risen to the challenge for generation­s. We get informed, we get registered and we get to the polls. The privilege of voting should never be a byproduct of a government transactio­n. It is immoral to minimize it in such a way. In fact every government transactio­n is merely a byproduct of our voting.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

Gov. Baker should veto the bill.

We should be encouragin­g people to participat­e in the election process organicall­y. If it is not worth their time or energy to know what city hall is, to know where it is, to get inside and to register to vote then perhaps we’ll all be the better for it.

Apathy will always abound when a civilizati­on has as much bounty as ours does. People have a right to turn their back on the fire. The people who care enough about freedom gave them that right. They got involved. Let’s respect them.

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