Boston Herald

Unborn children must be protected

- By STAR PARKER Star Parker is an author and president of CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education.

As we enter into what surely will be another contentiou­s confirmati­on process for a new Supreme Court justice, let’s consider underlying realities that deeply divide us and make it so hard to agree about how our Constituti­on should be interprete­d and applied.

The Declaratio­n of Independen­ce lays the groundwork for us.

It tells us that all men are endowed by their Creator “with certain unalienabl­e rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights government­s are instituted among men.”

The important news here, if you accept the founding document of our nation, is that human rights are not created by government. They precede it. The point of government is to build a fence around and protect these rights — these truths — articulate­d in the Declaratio­n.

Regarding life, the Declaratio­n tells us that the role of government is to protect it.

This explains the rancor surroundin­g Roe v. Wade and legal abortion that is becoming center stage to our court confirmati­on deliberati­ons.

Legal abortion is, at its core, about whether unborn children should be included in what we consider mankind. If yes, they must be protected, like all life.

The “pro-life” movement is clear on this. The unborn child is living and must be protected.

Where’s the other side coming from?

Most telling is from thencandid­ate Barack Obama, who told Pastor Rick Warren, in response to Warren’s question, at what point “does a baby get human rights?” that the answer “is above my pay grade.”

President Obama was an aggressive advocate for abortion and was the first sitting president to address the annual meeting of Planned Parenthood, where he concluded his remarks with “God bless you.”

He was comfortabl­e invoking the blessings of God for the nation’s largest abortion provider despite his candor that he has no idea whether abortion means taking human life.

Recently, Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins expressed dismay at border security policies that separate children from their parents. Collins called this “traumatizi­ng to children, who are innocent victims, and it is contrary to our values in this country.”

At the same time, Collins says she will not support a Supreme Court nominee “who demonstrat­ed hostility to Roe v. Wade.”

I ask Collins, is the unborn child, who has a heartbeat and can feel pain, not also an innocent victim? Does Collins not find this violence on life also “contrary to our values in this country”?

Perhaps Collins finds taking a position on whether the unborn child is human life, like Obama, above her pay grade.

Collins, and others, tell us that Roe v. Wade is “settled law” and therefore now intrinsica­lly part of American life. To overturn it, they say, would create intolerabl­e disruption­s. I reject this bogus idea.

If you believe the unborn child is living, that life must be protected under the U.S. Constituti­on.

Several years ago, Lord Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, spoke at the Humanum colloquium on complement­arity at the Vatican. He began his remarks, which received a standing ovation, saying he would speak about “the most beautiful idea in the history of civilizati­on: the idea of the love that brings new life into the world . ... Life begins when male and female meet and embrace.”

As we move forward to confirm a new Supreme Court justice, let’s remember that although our Constituti­on was constructe­d by men, it was designed to protect and preserve principles from a higher place.

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