Boston Herald

Warren, Dems: Did members of Trump club tour Air Force One?


U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is leading a pack of Democrats who aren’t so friendly about how Air Force One is used.

They want to know if members of the Mar-a-Lago Club are given special tours of the commander in chief’s ride.

“I am writing to request an Inspector General review of when and how individual­s are provided tours of and access to Air Force One,” the senators wrote in a letter Wednesday to the Pentagon.

The request — directed to acting Defense Department IG Glenn A. Fine and Lt. Gen. Stayce Harris, who is the Air Force IG — was prompted by a BuzzFeed report on July 9 that Air Force One tours appeared to have been given last year to members of Mar-a-Lago and the Trump Internatio­nal Golf Club.

Trump frequents the Palm Beach, Fla., club in the winter months.

The White House suggested to BuzzFeed that there was nothing particular­ly unusual about friends of the president getting tours of the presidenti­al military plane, and that members of the club who may have received invitation­s were likely to have been old friends of Trump.

Still, the Democratic senators said in their letter that the circumstan­ces are different, given that Trump continues to own the properties in South Florida.

“Previous Presidents have provided friends and even campaign donors tours of Air Force One, but the reports that members of the President’s private club may have received such tours are particular­ly troubling because their relationsh­ip to the President arises out of an ongoing business relationsh­ip with the President,” the senators wrote.

“If true, these reports could mean that the President or his family have used government property for private gain — giving tours of Air Force One as a perk for club membership — or that some citizens have potentiall­y been able to buy access to Air Force One via their personal payments to the President’s private club,” the letter continued.

Sens. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticu­t, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island signed on to the Warren letter, in which they also raised readiness and defense concerns.

As for the jet, Trump said last month he wants it painted “red, white and blue.”

 ?? AP FILE PHOTOS ?? DEMANDS PROBE: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is asking whether President Trump used tours of Air Force One as a perk for members of his private club.
AP FILE PHOTOS DEMANDS PROBE: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is asking whether President Trump used tours of Air Force One as a perk for members of his private club.
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