Boston Herald

Sanders gives socialism a boost

- By RICH LOWRY Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.

A voice crying in the wilderness is supposed to be ignored, not rewarded with accolades and growing influence.

Bernie Sanders is the prophet with honor in his own party. The former socialist gadfly is now the socialist trendsette­r. At the moment, he has to be counted among the most successful ideologica­l leaders in a generation in terms of moving the terms of the American political debate and putting previously discounted ideas on the agenda.

This doesn’t mean that he’ll be the next Democratic nominee for president, or even run. It doesn’t mean that his ideas are good. (I personally consider them godawful.) It does mean that when it comes to domestic policy on the left, it’s Bernie’s world, and the rest of the Democrats live in it.

Sanders was an irrelevanc­e for a couple of decades in Congress. He ran for president to get a higher profile, and succeeded not merely in that, but in seriously challengin­g Hillary Clinton. He is now a pacesetter in the party, while she rues what might have been.

To be sure, much of this was inevitable. Whatever brake on the left Barack Obama represente­d was going to be released once he went home, especially if Democrats couldn’t hold the White House. The advent of President Trump pressed the accelerato­r on the party’s radicaliza­tion.

In 2016, though, Sanders embodied the first real political expression of a post-Obama left that was disappoint­ed by his alleged incrementa­lism and determined to move beyond it.

Sanders’ success represents a version of what has happened to center-left parties around the West, as they have collapsed or been eclipsed by new forces. The Democrats aren’t going anywhere, but Sanders is an interloper. Clinton is right when she complains that he’s “not even a Democrat.”

This doesn’t matter in the least to the Democrats in good standing who are vacuuming up Bernie’s ideas. You can hardly be a U.S. senator who hopes to run for president if you aren’t co-sponsoring pillars of the Sanders agenda such as “Medicare-for-all,” free college and the $15 minimum wage.

“Just a few short years ago,” Sanders crowed last year, “we were told that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour was ‘radical.’” Indeed, he was told that, and for good reason. But he had five co-sponsors for a $15 bill in 2015 and has a majority of Senate Democrats now.

The Sanders policies are tangible and substantiv­e (if misbegotte­n). Compare the period of Republican ferment when the party was out of power under Obama.

The tea party, for better or worse, didn’t have big, signature policy initiative­s. Its candidates usually defined themselves by their tactical maximalism and their style, especially a contemptuo­us attitude toward the establishm­ent. This is why it slid so easily into Trumpism.

Bernie’s own political future is cloudy. If he runs again, he won’t have Clinton as a foil, but numerous contenders who want to ape his substance as younger, less quirky, more polished candidates.

Significan­tly, Sanders is a laggard when it comes to identity politics, which is becoming even more important to Democrats in reaction to Trump. A 76-year-old male from the whitest state in the union, who has devoted his life to a rigorously class-based politics, can do his best to play along but will never be a natural.

The voters, in the Democratic primaries and the next presidenti­al election, will obviously have a say, and they can upset expectatio­ns.

A few years ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan developed a thorough, coherent approach to the debt that seemed to define the future of Republican policy, before Trump blew right through it. Few would have guessed it at the time, but events were about to make Pat Buchanan and Jeff Sessions look like the GOP prophets.

Who knows how it shakes out for Bernie Sanders two or three years from now? What we do know is that he’s out of the wilderness.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? LEFT TURN: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has been successful in driving the Democratic Party to the left.
AP FILE PHOTO LEFT TURN: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has been successful in driving the Democratic Party to the left.

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