Boston Herald

ICE: Detain rape suspect

Man held by Worcester authoritie­s on $25G bail

- By SEAN PHILIP COTTER — sean.cotter@bostonhera­

ICE is asking that a suspected illegal immigrant be kept behind bars after the man was charged with raping a 12-year-old Milford girl. Jaime Martin GuamanPoma­villa, 27, of Milford is an Ecuadorian in the U.S. illegally, federal Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t spokesman John Mohan told the Herald yesterday. ICE is requesting that the Worcester County House of Correction, where Guaman-Pomavilla remains on $25,000 cash bail, continue to hold him on a immigratio­n detainer even if he posts bail. Guaman-Pomavilla was arraigned last Friday on charges of rape of a child with force and indecent assault and battery on a child under 14. Both are felonies. Guaman-Pomavilla began talking to the 12year-old, whose father he had worked with, through Facebook, police say. According to court documents, the girl tried to rebuff him several times online, but Guaman-Pomavilla eventually talked her into meeting him on Sept. 6. He picked her up from her home late at night, the cops say, and brought her to his apartment, located around the corner from the police station. When they arrived, he took off his clothes and raped her, court documents state. The girl pushed him off, but Guaman-Pomavilla continued to try to force himself on her, according to police. Guaman-Pomavilla eventually drove her home and, according to the cops, “he told her that he should not have done what he did to her and everything would be okay.” Within the following few days, Guaman-Pomavilla sent the girl’s mother a Facebook message in Spanish telling her that he was sorry for what he’d done to her daughter and “that he could not face her to apologize,” police wrote in their report. The mother, who’d seen marks on her daughter, called the cops, according to documents. Guaman-Pomavilla had used a Facebook account with his real name to contact the girl, police say. But the cops had a difficult time tracking him down — until he showed up at the police station with his Ecuadorian passport, asking why officers had been around his apartment. Police didn’t find a previous criminal record for Guaman-Pomavilla, according to court records.

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