Boston Herald


From Hiroshima to Sandy Hook, places’ names become synonymous with atrocities


NEW YORK — As the neighborho­od where she grew up became national news, as the synagogue where her bat mitzvah took place 37 years ago became the font of a thousand unwelcome tears, Sarah Bloom watched TV — and listened. What she heard as she sat in her Florida home last weekend made her very sad: news anchors discussing what “Squirrel Hill” means to the national political debate. Talking heads analyzing what implicatio­ns “Pittsburgh” will have on anti-Semitic activity in the United States. The names of her hometown and beloved neighborho­od, suddenly a national shorthand for bloodshed and heartbreak. “If you hurt Pittsburgh, you hurt me. If you hurt Squirrel Hill, you kill me,” said a still disbelievi­ng Bloom, 49, who lives a few miles from the site of the Parkland shooting eight months ago. “It doesn’t fit — Orlando, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh. Not my city. Take that out of there.” Shanksvill­e and Newtown. Waco and Charlottes­ville and Aurora. Kent State and Columbine and Lockerbie and Oklahoma City. Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima. And now: Pittsburgh and Squirrel Hill. When the name of the place you hold dear suddenly becomes synonymous with tragedy, the emotional impact can be searing and the aftereffec­ts can linger for months, years, even generation­s. “Charlottes­ville is now known for the tiki-torch carriers,” says Waki Wynn, 47, a private-school athletic director in the Virginia town where a “Unite the Right” march last year drew white supremacis­ts and led to violence. The events etched the name of his community indelibly onto the national psyche. Unsurprisi­ngly, there’s a term for this: metonymy, or using a word as a stand-in for what it represents. We do it a lot in America, and to some extent it’s natural. A busy society with complicate­d ideas to express needs shorthand sometimes. Thus we say we have problems with “Washington” (the American government). When baseball players talk of making it to Cooperstow­n, they’re talking not just about the community but the larger notion of baseball immortalit­y. And when astronauts out in space reach out to “Houston,” it’s not the city where Mission Control is located but the institutio­n where problems can be solved. Bigger towns where bad things happen don’t suffer this syndrome the same way because their identity, to the rest of the country and world, is much more multifacet­ed. Say “New York” today and no one will think of 9/11 as they do with Shanksvill­e, the crash site of United Flight 93. And “Las Vegas” doesn’t only mean “mass shooting” a year after the worst one by a single assailant in the country’s history took place there. Same with Orlando, which still means “Disney” more than it does “nightclub massacre.” Even “Pittsburgh” is a big enough, familiar enough place that it will likely regain its status as a city, rather than an event, in relatively short order. But with smaller towns and schools — or, in the uniquely named Squirrel Hill’s case, a distinct part of a larger town — it is harder to shake the reputation. Kent State and Columbine, both names of schools, remain stand-ins for larger social issues. The communitie­s of Auschwitz and Dachau will never shed global recognitio­n for what happened there during World War II, though Auschwitz’s reversion to its original Polish name, Oswiecim, was a step in that direction. Same story for the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; in the West, at least, they remain metaphors for atomic devastatio­n.

 ?? AP FILE ?? PLACES OF SORROW: The building now known as the Peace Dome is all that’s left standing, above, in Hiroshima, Japan, after the first atomic bomb drop on a populated place. Below left, a student arrives for classes at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. Below, children are led away from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., after the 2012 mass shooting.
AP FILE PLACES OF SORROW: The building now known as the Peace Dome is all that’s left standing, above, in Hiroshima, Japan, after the first atomic bomb drop on a populated place. Below left, a student arrives for classes at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. Below, children are led away from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., after the 2012 mass shooting.
 ?? AP FILE ??

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