Boston Herald

Do you know what your house is worth?


WASHINGTON — Do you have a pretty good idea of what your house is worth? Could you estimate within, say, 5 percent of what it’s likely to sell for? If so, would that make you more accurate about your home value than an estimate from a computer program loaded with recent sales data and algorithms? Maybe. Maybe not. Economists at the Federal Reserve recently completed a study that rated homeowners against computer programs — owners’ estimates of their homes’ worth versus those from automated valuation models (AVMs) — and compared both to the selling prices of the same homes. Guess what? It turns out they were, according to the study, “fairly similar.” Despite their reputation for excessive enthusiasm about their homes’ values, owners weren’t trounced by the computers. But neither the humans nor the computer programs were standouts on accuracy. Only about half of the AVM estimates and 40 percent of homeowners’ estimates came within 10 percent of the actual selling price. Ultimately the arbiters in the valuation game are the profession­al appraisers who lenders hire to give them independen­t estimates. Following an inspection, they’ve got much of the market data that feeds an AVM plus an intimate knowledge of the property. Ask appraisers which estimates they’d bank on — owners’ or computers’ — and you tend to get the same, resounding answer: Neither! Ryan Lundquist, an appraiser in Sacramento, California, says owners and sellers can be especially bad with estimates because they’re not tuned into current market trends. He said he recently appraised a house that the owner thought should be worth $500,000 more than Lundquist’s estimate — 30 percent over current market value. Owners like that “are profoundly disconnect­ed with reality,” Lundquist told me. They think they’re still in the robust seller’s marketplac­e of a few years back rather than the market of today, which in many areas is seeing lower appreciati­on, rising interest rates, and more frequent price markdowns than in recaent years. Lundquist says sellers often fail to understand that buyers today come to the table with a massive advantage — they tend to have far more informatio­n on comparable sales and other data, thanks to sites like Zillow, Redfin, and others. They pretty much know the tight price range within which a house should sell and are quick to spot overpricin­g. Seller disconnect­s on value can also create big challenges for real estate agents. Anthony Askowitz, brokerowne­r of RE/MAX Advance Realty in Miami, told me “the reality is that some sellers need to be fired” because they won’t listen to reason about more realistic pricing, and waste agents’ time and marketing dollars. Recently he worked with a seller who insisted that the house should command $1.25 million. Askowitz’s own estimate, based on recent market data, was $1 million. It sold for $950,000. Scott Godzyk, owner-broker of Godzyk Realty Group in Manchester, New Hampshire, says he sees it “all the time” — owners think their value is much higher than it really is. The takeaway: Valuing a home is hardly an exact science. Especially in a period when the real-estate cycle is transition­ing toward buyers’ advantage in many areas, you need to tap into the data available online, then get the opinions of top realty agents in your neighborho­od. That should get you pretty close.

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