Boston Herald

Bloomberg ad shows he is ready to run

- Jaclyn CASHMAN Twitter: @JaclynCash­man

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is using the midterm elections as a countdown to his presidenti­al bid and his latest TV ad just cemented his 2020 intentions.

Bloomberg is featured in a $5 million television ad campaign focused on key midterm issues — but it is really the foundation of his campaign against President Trump.

Most Democrats are waiting for the results to come in tonight. Not this guy. In true New Yorker style, he’s taking brash to the next level.

Bloomberg is trying to connect with voters now, saying he is “deeply concerned with the direction of our nation.”

He mentions the massacre at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, stating “at these moments of great national tragedy, we look to Washington to lead, to offer solutions, to bring us together and to appeal to all of us as Americans.” It includes a photo of the synagogue.

He never mentions any Democratic candidates that are actually on today’s ballot, but instead focuses on the president.

“Shouting and hysterics instead of calm reasoning, pointed fingers instead of open hands, division instead of unity,” Bloomberg says. “We see this most dramatical­ly with the fear-mongering over immigratio­n.”

If the ad was really for electing Democrats, wouldn’t he mention a few key states and races? Bloomberg has shelled out $80 million of his own money during this election in order to flip the House for Democrats in the midterms.

This is not so he can be seen as a kingmaker. This billionair­e is looking for political buzz. What better way to launch a campaign for the Oval Office than by taking partial credit for taking back the House?

He took his first step toward a 2020 presidenti­al run on Oct. 10 when he re-registered as a Democrat. Trump will have a field day with an opponent who has been a member of three different political parties.

Yet, Bloomberg seems to want to focus on unity and not divisivene­ss.

“Americans are neither naive nor heartless, we know that we can be a nation of immigrants while also securing our borders,” he says in the ad. “Sadly, our greatest threats today can be found from within our borders from a government that is constantly on the verge of shutting down over partisan bickering.”

In true Trump fashion, the president already has an insulting nickname for Bloomberg — “Little Guy.”

Trump tweeted in 2016, “Little Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!”

Bloomberg is banking on a midterm triumph. A blue wave today could give him the early jump he’s looking for.

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