Boston Herald

Benefits help protect women


Women face great economic challenges in retirement. Women:

Tend to live longer than men. A woman who is 65 years old today can expect to live, on average, until about 87, while a 65-year-old man can expect to live, on average, until about 84.

Often have lower lifetime earnings than men.

May reach retirement with smaller pensions and other assets than men.

Social Security offers a basic level of protection to all women. When you work, you pay taxes into the Social Security system, providing for your own benefits. In addition, your spouse’s earnings can give you Social Security coverage as well. Women who don’t work are often covered through their spouses’ work. When their spouses retire, become disabled or die, women can receive benefits.

If you’re a worker age 18 or older, you can get a Social Security statement online. Your statement is a valuable tool to help you plan a secure financial future, and we recommend that you look at it each year. Your statement provides a record of your earnings. To create an account online and review your statement, visit our website at socialsecu­

If your spouse dies, you can get widow’s benefits if you’re age 60 or older. If you have a disability, you can get widow’s benefits as early as age 50. Your benefit amount will depend on your age and on the amount your deceased spouse was entitled to at the time of death. If your spouse was receiving reduced benefits, your survivor benefit will be based on that amount.

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