Boston Herald

Sen. Warren’s snub of Fox News not a sly move

- Peter LUCAS

Elizabeth Warren thinks the people at Fox News are a bunch of deplorable­s.

And the millions of people who get their news from Fox are not much better. They’re rotten, too.

That is why this noble candidate for president will not demean herself by descending to the level of Sen. Bernie Sanders and other candidates for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination by appearing on the town halls Fox News is sponsoring.

“I’m running a campaign to reach all Americans,” Warren tweeted out the other day. This apparently does not include the Americans who work at Fox News or the Americans who watch it.

That is because, in her learned opinion, “Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiraci­sts.”

Which means that the millions who get their news from Fox are also racists and conspiraci­sts.

“I won’t ask millions of Democratic voters to tune in to an outlet that profits from racism and hate in order to see our candidates — especially when Fox will make even more money adding our valuable audience to the rating numbers,” she said.

It may come to a shock to Warren, but many of her “valuable” Democratic voters are already watching Fox.

To understand this rant, you must know that to progressiv­es like Warren, a racist is someone who disagrees with you. And a conspiraci­st is a person who believes that Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians to win the 2016 presidenti­al election.

Warren’s insult comes straight out of the Hillary Clinton campaign playbook on how to lose an election.

Rather than reach out to Donald Trump supporters, which included millions of Democrats, Clinton in 2016 called them “a basket of deplorable­s” even before a single vote was cast.

Warren is as insensitiv­e as Clinton. How you win an election by insulting voters is nothing less than baffling.

But Warren is in a primary fight, not a national election, a fight she is losing, especially to Bernie Sanders, the original free stuff candidate.

Warren, for instance, is currently running fourth in neighborin­g New Hampshire and is behind in Massachuse­tts, despite being propped up by The Boston Globe.

So, in order to separate herself from Sanders, Warren shunned Fox News’ invitation to participat­e in a town hall meeting, something that Sanders did with much success.

As a matter of fact, more than 2.5 million viewers watched Sanders when he appeared on Fox’s town hall forum last month. That is twice the number or viewers who tuned in to watch Sanders on a CNN town hall in February.

Warren certainly can use an audience like that. She also could have shown some grit by simply showing up and taking Fox News on.

Instead she used her refusal to attack Fox and raise campaign funds by doing so.

Another reason Warren snubbed Fox is her concern that she could not put up or match the numbers of viewers that Sanders pulled in.

She may not even have matched the viewers who tuned in to watch Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who appeared on Fox’s town hall Sunday night.

Meanwhile the Democratic National Committee has foolishly barred Fox News from hosting any of its upcoming primary debates.

And at the rate things are going, it soon may have to change its policy if it wants to attract voters. Because if you want campaign news, Fox is the place to get it.

Which is why Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kamala Harris of California, and former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas are also considerin­g appearing on the town halls.

Like Hillary Clinton before her, Warren simply wrote off a couple of million voters, acting as though she were a front-runner rather than a candidate falling back in the pack of 23 or so Democrats.

Warren may hate Fox News, but a lot of people love it. While progressiv­es may loathe the late-night, pro-Trump opinion shows of Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, the nightly six o’clock “Special Report” newscast hosted by Bret Baier is the best straight news show in the business.

And if Warren can’t stand up to Fox town hall reporter/ moderators like Baier, Martha MacCallum and Chris Wallace, all fine reporters, how in the world can she possibly deal with characters like Russia’s Vladimir Putin, China’s Xi Jinping or North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?

You know the answer.

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