Boston Herald

McCabe sues FBI over firing


WASHINGTON — Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a frequent target of President Donald Trump’s ire, sued the FBI and the Justice Department on Thursday over his firing.

The lawsuit, the second this week from an ex-FBI official challengin­g the circumstan­ces of his terminatio­n, says the firing was part of Trump’s plan to rid the bureau of leaders he perceived as disloyal to him. The complaint contends that the two officials responsibl­e for demoting and then firing McCabe — FBI Director Chris Wray and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions — created a pretext to force him out in accordance with the president’s wishes.

“Trump demanded Plaintiff’s personal allegiance, he sought retaliatio­n when Plaintiff refused to give it, and Sessions, Wray, and others served as Trump’s personal enforcers rather than the nation’s highest law enforcemen­t officials, catering to Trump’s unlawful whims instead of honoring their oaths to uphold the Constituti­on,” the lawsuit says.

The federal complaint also contends the FBI and Justice Department strayed from establishe­d policies, with Wray refusing to tell McCabe why he was being fired and a senior Justice Department lawyer telling McCabe’s own lawyer that they were “making it up as we go along.”

Spokespeop­le for the FBI and Justice Department declined to comment.

McCabe was fired in March 2018 after a Justice Department inspector general report found he had repeatedly misstated his involvemen­t in a news media disclosure regarding an FBI investigat­ion into the Clinton Foundation. The watchdog office referred the matter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, which has been investigat­ing.

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