Boston Herald

Social Security pages focus on people


Social Security turns 84 this year. With more than eight decades of service, it’s provided benefits to one of the most diverse population­s in history.

Knowing it covers so many different people, Social Security has created People Like Me webpages that speak to specific audiences. Sharing these pages could ease someone’s life. Here are a few.

Do you know someone who needs to start saving for retirement? There are two pages, one for people early in their career at socialsecu­­r and one for people who have been working for a while, socialsecu­ midcareer.

Social Security plays an important role in providing economic security for women. Nearly 55 percent of the people receiving Social Security benefits are women. Women face greater economic challenges in retirement. First, women tend to live longer than men do, so they are more likely to exhaust their retirement savings. Second, women often have lower lifetime earnings than men, which usually means they receive lower benefits. And, third, women may reach retirement with smaller pensions and other assets than men. Share socialsecu­ women with someone who needs this informatio­n.

Social Security proudly serves wounded warriors and veterans. Many don’t know they might be entitled to benefits. Share socialsecu­ with them to make sure they are getting the benefits they deserve.

Check out the general People Like Me page at socialsecu­

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