Boston Herald

Another day, another lie from Elizabeth Warren

- Michael GRAHAM Michael Graham is a regular contributo­r to the Boston Herald. Follow him on Twitter @IAmMGraham.

Tell me Bernie Sanders is crazy, and I’m all in. Tell me he’s an unapologet­ic Socialist who would happily honeymoon (again) in the gulag-riddled Soviet Union, and I’ll say, “You betcha!”

But tell me Bernie’s a sexist liar? Sorry, you lost me.

Particular­ly if the person doing the telling is Elizabeth Warren.

No, Bernie Sanders isn’t a sexist. He’s spent decades touting “Grrrl Power” and pushing the Equal Rights Amendment. (It’s a 1970s thing. Look it up.) It’s a ludicrous claim.

And no, Bernie Sanders isn’t a liar — at least not outside the accepted parameters of American politics. Sanders doesn’t even lie about the stuff he should lie about, like his gazillion-dollar, middle-class-tax-hiking, union-health-plan-killing Medicare For All.

A guy who will admit, out loud and in public, that he wants to give Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the right to vote will admit anything.

Now compare Bernie’s unvarnishe­d truth telling to Liz Warren’s record: According to Warren’s past statements, she’s a Native American who was fired for being pregnant and only sent her children to public schools. According to the facts, all of those claims are false.

So if you give me a “He Said, She Said” choice between Sanders and Warren, it’s a no-brainer so obvious even a clueless klutz can see it. Speaking of Michael Moore …

“Elizabeth & Bernie have appeared in my films,” the movie maker tweeted. “I love them both. Why Elizabeth chose to stick a knife in Bernie’s back is beyond me. At a time when job #1 is to remove Trump, how did this help?”

Why did Warren do it? Simple: Because she’s losing.

Having tried to run as the smart candidate, the energetic candidate, the consensus candidate and the fightin’ candidate, Warren has fallen back to the last refuge of the progressiv­e scoundrel: Identity politics.

“Look at the men on this stage,” Warren said Tuesday night. “Collective­ly, they have lost 10 elections. The only people on this stage who have won every single election that they’ve been in are the women: Amy (Klobuchar) and me.”

Warren’s campaign has devolved from “I’ve Got A Plan for That” to “Girls Rule, Boys Drool!”

A Bay State aside: What’s the deal with Massachuse­tts Democrats using their politthe ical victories in Massachuse­tts as proof that they are tough campaigner­s who can’t be written off. First it was Liz Warren’s “upset” victory for the U.S. Senate, now it’s Deval “Nobody expected me to win” Patrick.

Wow. Who knew all these years that Massachuse­tts was a bastion of red-state Republican­ism? Democrats bragging about winning in Massachuse­tts sound like Kim Jung Un celebratin­g his long-shot victory in the Supreme People’s Assembly.

For Liz Warren, this is just another example of the fundamenta­l inauthenti­city of her presidenti­al bid. Over the summer, she was touting Medicare For All as a matter of political life or death. Tuesday night she treated it like a recently dumped boyfriend, refusing to even say phrase a single time (check the transcript!). She did, however, say she would “build on the Affordable Care Act.”

No wonder progressiv­es don’t believe she’ll really fight for a single-payer system. Or for the Green New Deal. Or that Bernie Sanders said a woman couldn’t win.

Warren is lying, trashing Bernie Sanders in a desperate bid to get his women supporters to save her sinking campaign. She’s hoping “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” will work better than “I’m Gonna Git Me a Beer.”

It won’t. In part because polls show that more Democratic women are already backing Bernie than Warren. She’s telling these women their favorite candidate is anti-woman. How do we think they’re likely to react?

Elizabeth Warren has only been in elected politics since 2012. She underperfo­rmed then (Obama got 60% in the Bay State that year. She got 53%). She underperfo­rmed in 2018 (one of the worst-performing incumbent U.S. senators that year.) And she’s underperfo­rming now.

That’s who Liz Warren is. And there aren’t enough lies left to tell to hide that painful truth.

 ?? AP ?? LOOSE CANNON: Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren is flailing about in an effort to revive her campaign hopes.
AP LOOSE CANNON: Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren is flailing about in an effort to revive her campaign hopes.
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