Boston Herald



4 extra-large eggs, separated

4½ c. good chicken stock, divided

¼ c. rendered chicken fat, melted, or

¼ c. vegetable oil, see note

½ c. minced fresh parsley

1 t. kosher salt, plus more for egg whites

1 c. matzo meal Chicken soup, for serving

Note: Rendered chicken fat, also called “schmaltz,” is available in the frozen kosher foods section of some of the larger grocery stores.

Whisk together egg yolks, ½ cup stock, chicken fat or oil, parsley and salt. Stir in the matzo meal. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff (it is faster to use a mixer with a whisk attachment). Whisk the whites, a cup at a time, into the matzo mixture until it is smooth. Refrigerat­e at least 15 minutes, or until mixture is stiff.

Form balls the size of golf balls by shaping them with 2 spoons, rolling them with your hands (rinse your hands in cold water after every couple to prevent sticking) or scooping them with a small ice cream scoop. Makes about 12 matzo balls.

Bring remaining 4 cups stock to a simmer. Drop balls into stock and simmer 30 minutes or until fully cooked and puffed, turning once. Remove and serve hot in chicken soup.

(Recipe adapted from Ina Garten, via Food Network)

A recipe developer named Cara Lyons came up with an idea so bizarre it had to be great. She decided to stuff matzo balls with picadillo, a meat dish popular in Spain and Latin American countries.

It isn’t what most people think of when they think of matzo balls, and you wouldn’t want to put it in soup. But it’s a great example of just how delicious a nontraditi­onal take on a traditiona­l dish can be.

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