Boston Herald

Rioting’s effect could yield rise in crime

- by JAy Ambrose Jay Ambrose is a syndicated columnist.

A noble cause led to ignoble riots, and a major consequenc­e could be something far different from the erasure of racism that some are fervently, worthily seeking. It could be a rise of crime in black neighborho­ods, thousands of black deaths, an outcome working in tandem with the coronaviru­s doing its devastatio­n, a tragic setback instead of a great awakening.

The start of the pandemoniu­m was a horror that millions saw on video, the death of George Floyd, handcuffed, lying on his stomach and saying he could not breathe as a seemingly unbothered white policeman kept his knee on Floyd’s neck. Other racial horrors came to mind, from slavery to lynchings to segregatio­n, and the question is whether such dehumaniza­tion will ever cease. Peaceful protests began all over the country, but soon enough in Minneapoli­s, where Floyd died, we had vast numbers moving angrily toward a police station.

The city’s mayor told cops to get out of the way and they did as the demonstrat­ors set the building aflame. And then, across the country, any number of violent protests broke out. A retired cop was shot to death and a Florida cop had his neck slashed. A woman was beaten while trying to save her business.

Merchandis­e of all kinds was stolen from stores, and bottles have been thrown at the heads of policemen, sometimes accurately.

What is astonishin­g is that many mayors and governors seemed to think standing back is the right response, and now we hear the cry for defunding police forces, for keeping them small and out of the way.

They will be kept out of the way, all right, but by self-direction. A study by scholars shows that highly publicized protests condemning police cause police to interact less with citizens, to be less proactive, to step back. The consequenc­e is more crime. Concerning the riots and looting, Terrence Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, has said that violence “will not bring my brother back,” and, as Martin Luther King Jr. proved, the real way to progress is nonviolenc­e.

There are things that should be done, such as making it less easy for police using their unions to escape serious repercussi­ons for the wrongs they commit. A serious cultural issue for blacks and whites is fatherless homes; another Harvard study showed this is the No. 1 hindrance to social mobility. Our schools need fixing, and we should have more instances like those in which policemen have hugged peaceful protestors and knelt with them to pray.

 ?? aP FiLE ?? HOT ISSUE: Firefighte­rs battle flames as riot officers police a street in St. Paul, Minn., during protests over the death of George Floyd.
aP FiLE HOT ISSUE: Firefighte­rs battle flames as riot officers police a street in St. Paul, Minn., during protests over the death of George Floyd.

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