Boston Herald


Pats can create new chapters in the playbook


The three-month delay that preceded the Patriots’ marriage to Cam Newton both made their union possible and should now lead to a horribly rushed, if not postponed, honeymoon.

Unable to evaluate Newton’s physical health over most of March and April due to pandemic-related travel restrictio­ns, all of the quarterbac­k’s other suitors opted for lower-risk options via the draft and free agency. This caused Newton’s market to basically evaporate by early May, at which point every other franchise believed it had a passer for the present and/or future. From that time, the cap-strapped Pats could court Newton and wait out his contract demands until they hit near rock bottom.

Then, they tied the knot at a major discount Sunday night.

However, all that waiting also cost Newton time to learn the Patriots’ system, familiariz­e himself with new teammates and coaches and allow said coaches to rewrite their playbook for him. That’s an unknown cost the Pats can’t know and won’t pay until training camp. But frankly, they don’t care.

Ever focused on what they can make of the present moment, the Pats should already be elbow-deep in refitting their offense for the former league MVP. Bill Belichick’s coaching staff is nothing if not adaptable. But these coaches will not — and should not — uproot a system that facilitate­d some of the NFL’s best offenses of the past 15 years.

It’s about meeting Newton in the middle as fast as they can. Because the Patriots don’t need Superman to fly alone in order to contend in 2020. Only give him a little lift.

Here’s how Newton and the Pats can get a running start:

Hand off protection calls initially

During Tom Brady’s tenure, there were seasons when he was tasked with setting pre-snap protection­s and others when his center made those calls. Given that pass protection, especially when combating exotic blitz looks, can be the most complex part of any offense, it’s only sensible Newton should be spared those duties. At least to start.

In David Andrews, the Pats have the perfect man to take over.

As an undrafted free agent in 2015, Andrews rapidly grew into one of Brady’s favorite all-time centers thanks to his football intelligen­ce. This season, Andrews will be at the literal center of an offensive line that projects as the Pats’ offensive strength and perhaps the best in the entire NFL. The Pats should lean on that strength, just as they would have with Jarrett


With pre-snap protection­s off his plate, Newton can instead focus more fully on mastering the extreme optionalit­y of the Patriots’ passing attack, developing chemistry with his wideouts and learning reworked parts of the playbook that will be specifical­ly tailored to him.

Such as …

Unlock a read-based run game

No aspect of the Pats offense should soon bear a more stark contrast to past seasons than the running game. No quarterbac­k in NFL history has rushed for more touchdowns than Newton, whose legs are not his chief asset, but are nonetheles­s a defining quality.

Without forcing a veteran running backs room and returned offensive line to relearn half the offense, the Pats can still make significan­t changes to their rushing attack by putting basic twists on core concepts.

One of their foundation­al runs, particular­ly in shortyarda­ge, is the outside zone; a design that sends all blockers in the same lateral direction and the running back following behind until he selects an upfield rushing lane to attack. Instead of executing a traditiona­l hand-off on these plays, like Brady always did, the Pats can execute a read, where Newton, from the shotgun, would eye a purposeful­ly unblocked backside defender (think a defensive end or outside linebacker) as he placed the ball in the running back’s belly.

If the unblocked defender then pursues the running back, Newton could pull the ball out and run past him. Or, if the defender stood still, Newton would simply hand it off, a la a regular outside zone. Of course, this only works if you have a rushing threat at quarterbac­k, like Newton, because otherwise it turns the running back into a piñata.

Now, of course, the Patriots have one.

This concept grants the offense a blocking advantage, because the offensive lineman normally charged with occupying that backside defender now blocks toward the playside, where he creates another double team in the direction the running back is headed. The Patriots can also attach a read to their other favorite designs — power, counter and even jet sweeps — to multiply their run-game possibilit­ies and play to Newton’s strengths.

The teaching points for the running backs and offensive linemen would all roughly remain the same, leaving only the quarterbac­k to adjust. Having executed these concepts since college, Newton is perfectly equipped to take the Pats’ run game to the next level, and best of all, it won’t require any extra time in training camp to install.

Install a small RPO package

Over the last three seasons, Newton posted a QB rating better than 120 when throwing out of run-pass option plays (RPOs), which, like the zone-read concept, are plays predicated on a quarterbac­k’s reaction to a particular defender. During an RPO, if the designated defender commits to the run at the sight of a hand-off, the quarterbac­k pulls the ball back and throws. If the defender backs off, he hands it off.

These plays are optimal for early downs and those with medium distances to go before moving the chains. With Brady, the Pats ran fewer RPOs than almost every other team in the NFL. It’s time that changes.

Again akin to the zoneread, Newton’s success and familiarit­y with RPO concepts dates back years and would require minimal extra installati­on. The Patriots would simply have to marry two of their base plays and run them together (i.e. an outside zone paired with double slant routes). Largely devoid of playmakers on the outside, the Pats must scheme their way downfield more often than not this season, even with a dual-threat playmaker at the helm.

The best way to help Newton win through scheme is by building this new, small package around him.

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 ?? Ap file pHoTos ?? CAN HE BE THE SUPERMAN OF OLD?: The Patriots have adapted their offense before and incorporat­ing a readbased run game would help Cam Newton succeed in Foxboro. Below, Cam Newton celebrates a touchdown run against the Buccaneers in 2016.
Ap file pHoTos CAN HE BE THE SUPERMAN OF OLD?: The Patriots have adapted their offense before and incorporat­ing a readbased run game would help Cam Newton succeed in Foxboro. Below, Cam Newton celebrates a touchdown run against the Buccaneers in 2016.

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