Boston Herald

Biden’s VP pick has problemati­c past, present

- BY JAY AMBROSE Jay Ambrose is a syndicated columnist.

Kamala Harris is a forceful personalit­y, alert, awake, smart and ready to push you off the cliff if you get in her way. She does not believe in justice. She is an opportunis­t par excellence. Her compassion knows no beginning. All in all, she was a fascinatin­g choice as Joe Biden’s vice presidenti­al running mate and could well become president herself someday, helping to lead this country further into progressiv­e pulverizat­ion.

The left talks about her as, oh, wow, the new, improved America, and you wonder if they have ever looked back at what she did as San Francisco’s

district attorney and California’s attorney general. For one thing, she mauled the wrongfully convicted.

One instance was in 2010 when she was DA and her deputies did nothing to alert defense attorneys that a lab technician in drug cases had passed on erroneous informatio­n defaming defendants. A judge said their constituti­onal rights had been violated, but Harris said the judge had a conflict of interest because her husband was a defense attorney. Harris wanted the 600 victims to remain victimized, but the judge heeded law and refused.

In a similar case, a man was found guilty of possessing a deadly weapon because his lawyer, later disbarred, failed to call any witnesses. Evidence showed some 15 years later he was innocent. Harris could have had him immediatel­y released from prison but she came out on the side of judicial entangleme­nt and he did not walk the streets again for another two years. He should then have received state reimbursem­ent for his time behind bars, but, abetting cruelty, Harris said no.

Maybe you want to say all of this is political malarkey but it has been reported by reputable media outlets, including The New York Times. The sublimely liberal Atlantic magazine jumped in, telling us how she refused to investigat­e police corruption. She has since changed, comparing ICE agents to the Ku Klux Klan.

With mishmash substituti­ng for evidence at Senate hearings, Harris believed the tall tales about Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh’s sexual misdeeds and made an inquisitor­y star of herself. She then applied the same standards to suspect Biden accusers. “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” she said. She went after Biden another time during a debate, saying he wasn’t a racist but insinuatin­g that he was partly because he was against busing when she was a little girl getting bused to a good school. The next day, her staff had a T-shirt on the issue. Biden pointed out that he was only against federally mandated busing. She went back and forth on her position.

Given her exuberance about sexual-assault accusers, you might think Harris is for free speech. Sorry, but she would like to see Exxon prosecuted for stating its moderate views on climate change. And although she says she is open to the idea of felons in prison having the right to vote, she seriously questions whether someone should be appointed as a federal judge if he belonged to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic charity group.

Of course, she has embraced extremes of all kinds, such as wanting the mostly poor, Black parents of vigorously truant students to be eligible for jail.

Harris is not minus good deeds, but the list of bad ones is long. Many woke, postmodern, cancel-culture news outlets right now are saying that criticism is sexist, racist slander. Don’t believe it.

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