Boston Herald


TV ratings show a tight contest between Biden and Trump


Judging by the TV ratings, the presidenti­al election is within the margin of error.

The Nielsen company says that 23.8 million viewers watched the final hour of Thursday’s Republican convention on television, when President Trump gave his acceptance speech before an audience gathered outdoors on the White House grounds.

A week earlier, Nielsen said 24.6 million people were watching Joe Biden accept the Democratic nomination for president.

More people likely watched via video streams, but there was no reliable third-party measuremen­t of those users.

Viewership was down sharply for the four-night party programs, staged largely as television production­s because of the coronaviru­s pandemic, compared to the more traditiona­l convention­s that nominated Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Whether or not it’s an omen, more people (32.2 million) watched Trump accept the Republican nomination in 2016 than turned out for Clinton (29.8 million).

Over four nights this year, Democrats averaged 21.6 million television viewers while Republican­s had

19.4 million. Democrats had more viewers on three of the four nights, with Tuesday the only exception, Nielsen said.

If anything, the ratings this year illustrate­d the tendency of viewers to stay with their tribes. For example, 9.2 million people watched Trump speak on Fox News Channel Thursday, by far the most of any network.

Fox is the destinatio­n of choice for most of Trump’s fans, and they voted with their remotes.

In the final hour of coverage, Fox News averaged 7.81 million viewers on the four nights of the the Republican

convention, and 2.36 million for the Democrats.

Similarly, the left-leaning MSNBC reached an average of 5.74 million viewers for coverage of the Democrats anchored by Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid and Nicolle Wallace. For the Republican­s, the three anchors had a 1.7 million average, Nielsen said.

It’s difficult to tell how much of the ratings slippage was inevitable, because television viewership in general is down from four years ago, and how much was due to the infomercia­l-like presentati­ons of both parties. It didn’t feel like a convention, since hundreds of delegates were unable to gather in an arena to cheer their favorites.

The presentati­on was primarily virtual for the Democrats and, for the Republican­s, a collection of mostly pre-taped speeches concluding with the spectacle on the White House lawn.

Party leaders will conduct postmortem­s to see whether any elements of these presentati­ons will survive in four years, when presumably delegates will be able to gather in one city to meet.

Pace was an advantage this year. The production­s, which ran with very few noticeable glitches, moved swiftly with shorter speeches and little dead time. That was an adjustment for television networks, which generally could count on dead time and long-winded speakers so their analysts had time to talk.

The Democrats’ roll call vote, with delegates filmed at notable landmarks in their state or territory, was a winner that deserves to live on.

If anything, the ratings this year illustrate­d the tendency of viewers to stay with their tribes.

 ?? AP ?? SCREEN TEST: The Nielsen Co. says 24.6 million people watched Joe Biden accept the Democratic nomination for president last week, while 23.8 million tuned in to see President Trump accept the GOP nomination.
AP SCREEN TEST: The Nielsen Co. says 24.6 million people watched Joe Biden accept the Democratic nomination for president last week, while 23.8 million tuned in to see President Trump accept the GOP nomination.
 ?? AP ??

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