Boston Herald

Biden’s not taking Baker

All that baggage is just too heavy

- Joe Battenfeld

Yep, we’re stuck with him. Like it or not.

So if you’re unhappy with Gov. Charlie Baker, don’t go celebratin­g just yet.

While Baker no doubt would be thrilled to get out of Dodge and take a Biden administra­tion Cabinet post — no matter what he says publicly — he’s not going to get it. Biden advisers floated Baker’s name and other Republican­s out there, but probably just as a trial balloon to attract moderate voters.

For starters, Baker — while making it clear he won’t be voting for President Trump — has declined to endorse Joe Biden, which would be a prerequisi­te for getting a top job in a Democratic


There are plenty of other Never Trumper Republican­s out there like John Kasich who have publicly backed Biden and would jump at the chance to serve in a BidenHarri­s regime.

But the main reason Baker won’t be packing and leaving anytime soon? Way too much coronaviru­s baggage.

Seems fitting that the somewhat thinly reported story about Baker being considered for a Biden Cabinet position came the same day that families of coronaviru­s victims who died at Holyoke Soldiers’ Home gave heartbreak­ing testimony to a legislativ­e panel investigat­ing the abuse.

Biden is not going to give someone a job whose record handling the COVID-19 pandemic is just above President Trump’s. Massachuse­tts has been among the worst states when it comes to coronaviru­s cases, and the numbers now are going up again.

“Both the lieutenant governor and I said when we ran for re-election two years ago … that we were gonna serve our terms, and I intend to do that and you’re going to be stuck with me for at least the next two years anyway,” Baker said on Tuesday.

“I’m flattered to be considered but I like the job I have.”

No chance, Charlie. And there are plenty of other problems with a Baker-Biden partnershi­p.

Baker’s elitist, corporate attitude wouldn’t fly with the influentia­l Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing of the party, which is already plotting to take over the Bidencontr­olled government. Baker doesn’t support the most strict police reform proposals out there, which would make him a likely target of the left wing. He doesn’t even support the Green New Deal. Baker has endorsed Kevin O’Connor, the Republican running to unseat Sen. Ed Markey.

And what about the state police scandals? Think those wouldn’t come up during a Baker confirmati­on hearing?

Let’s face it, there’s only one reason why Biden would even consider giving Baker a job — and that’s to get rid of him from the Corner Office. Baker’s removal from Massachuse­tts and a possible third term would likely pave the way for Democrats to finally take over the governor’s office, a post they’ve coveted for years.

Democrats can’t beat Baker on their own, so they’d need help from Joe Biden. But how far is Biden willing to go to say that he’s being bipartisan? Not as far as taking Charlie Baker.

 ?? STuART CAHIll / HERAlD STAFF FIlE ?? GOING NOWHERE: Gov. Charlie Baker checks out the future route of the Green Line Extension. Rumors of the governor joining a Joe Biden Cabinet seem to miss the facts of Baker’s current term.
STuART CAHIll / HERAlD STAFF FIlE GOING NOWHERE: Gov. Charlie Baker checks out the future route of the Green Line Extension. Rumors of the governor joining a Joe Biden Cabinet seem to miss the facts of Baker’s current term.
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