Boston Herald

CNN, AP are America’s version of Baghdad Bob

- Peter LUCAS

Remember Baghdad Bob? He was Iraq’s military spokesman who, during the U.S.-led 2003 invasion asked, in effect, ”Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?”

Even as television showed the world pictures of U.S. tanks rolling into downtown Baghdad, Baghdad Bob — aka Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf — was telling reporters that U.S. troops were nowhere in sight.

No one really knows what happened to Bob, who was Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein’s spokesman, after Saddam was captured and executed. But there is no truth to the rumor that he now runs CNN.

Not that Baghdad Bob, the name mockingly given to him by the U.S. media, was not qualified to run the antiDonald Trump media outlet. He was. He would have hated Trump as much as CNN does.

And he was qualified, having studied journalism at BU (not our BU, but theirs — Baghdad University), where he also got a master’s degree in English literature.

He earlier rose to prominence by reading lists of Iraqi executions on television, the way U.S. television reporters list President Trump’s former chiefs of staff.

The dastardly canard that Baghdad Bob was running CNN arose after the cable television network’s coverage of the riots — “or mostly peaceful protests” — in Kenosha, Wis., after the police shooting of Jacob


In one memorable news story, CNN national correspond­ent Omar Jimenez stood in front of a building going up in flames during a night of rioting and looting to report how the protests were “mostly peaceful.”

One almost expected Jimenez, also a journalism major (not at either BU, but of Northweste­rn) to add, “Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?” But he didn’t.

Another fake news story that deserves to be knocked down is the report that Sahhaf turned down the job offer at CNN to join the Associated Press, another once-respected news gathering organizati­on that has joined the hate-Trump bandwagon.

Keep in mind that it is the Associated Press, which thousands of subscribin­g newspapers, radio and television stations in the U.S. and around the world rely on for news, that sent four of its Washington reporters to collude with the FBI in the Paul Manafort investigat­ion.

According to Judicial Watch, a non-profit government watchdog organizati­on, the reporters in 2017 met with FBI prosecutor Andrew Weisman, later the “pit bull” of the phony Mueller Russian collusion probe.

The reporters, acting like FBI agents, provided the FBI with informatio­n about Manafort, including the code of a storage locker Manafort maintained containing informatio­n about his dealings with the Ukraine. The disgraced Manafort was a Trump campaign manager in 2016.

There is no evidence that the FBI acted on the intelligen­ce provided by the reporters, or any evidence that it did not. But it shows the extent the liberal establishm­ent media will go to bring down Trump, Including providing it with informatio­n.

More recently, the oncerespec­ted news agency has begun to — redefine words like riot. It no longer wants to report riots as riots.

A riot, according to Merriam-Webster is “a violent public disorder specifical­ly: a tumultuous disturbanc­e of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent.”

The Associated Press disagrees. In its latest usage stylebook, AP suggest that a milder word like “unrest” be used because “the term riot suggests uncontroll­ed chaos and pandemoniu­m,” which is exactly what a riot is.

The AP warns that “Focusing on rioting and property destructio­n rather than underlying grievance has been used in the past to stigmatize broad swaths of people protesting against lynching, police brutality or for racial justice, going back to the urban uprisings of the 1960s.”

“Unrest,” it said, “is a vaguer, milder and less emotional term for a condition of angry discontent and protests verging on revolt.”

If you see rioters on television, like the thugs of Antifa and BLM hurling Molotov cocktails and rocks at cops, trashing police cruisers, burning police stations, looting liquor stores and Walgreens, do not believe what you see. It is not a riot. It is unrest.

The Associated Press is our Baghdad Bob.

So, who are you going to believe, Baghdad Bob or your lying eyes?

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