Boston Herald

Out of the‘ Frozen’ north

Olaf the Snowman’s story grows in Disney short

- Stephen Schaefer

“Adream is a wish your heart makes” may be among Disney’s most famous “Cinderella” songs but for “Once Upon a Snowman” director Trent Correy that notion is a reality.

“Snowman” is a spawn and expansion of Disney’s blockbuste­r “Frozen” storytelli­ng. As Elsa in the 2013 original sings the anthem-like Oscarnomin­ated “Let It Go,” she magically creates a lively snowman.

“Snowman,” which premieres Friday on Disney+, tells how that adorable creature was named Olaf.

“This idea dates back to when I started the Disney Animation training program in 2012 and ‘Frozen’ was my first feature,” Correy said during a Zoom press conference last week.

“My first character to animate was Olaf and I clearly remember during ‘ Let It Go’ Elsa makes Olaf and walks away. I thought, ‘There’s GOT to be a story there.’

“This,” he added of the nearly eight-minute spin-off from “Frozen,” “was the perfect opportunit­y to have this short come out on Disney+.”

Dan Abraham, “Snowman’s” other director, had storyboard­ed the complicate­d “Lost In the Woods” musical number for Olaf in “Frozen 2.” “I had a ball working on that song in ‘Frozen 2’ and I was asked to partner with Trent on these ideas he’d had years ago.”

Noted Becky Bresee, the studio’s head of animation, “It’s not often we get to revisit characters, so to continue on after ‘Frozen 2’ is a really unique way to revisit and think about how it all ties in.”

It’s no secret Olaf is the franchise’s not-so-secret sparkler but what makes him so beloved, so adorable?

“Olaf has this overwhelmi­ng optimism and sincerity about him — and that never gets tired.” Abraham said.

Added Correy, “In ‘Aladdin,’ the Genie was my favorite character. What I loved was he could be hilarious and be sincere. Olaf can be very emotional, he’s connected to the sisters. And he can also break apart.”

Intrinsic to Olaf is Josh Gad’s often improvised jokes, dialogue and attitude. Gad returned to the recording booth for “Snowman.”

“He was behind glass and the hardest part was for us to not be laughing so we wouldn’t wreck the take,” Correy said. “He makes the short come to life.”

When Gad came to the wrap party, “he came in with his family and little kids and what cracked me up,” Correy remembered, “was his little daughter came up to me, shakes my hand and says, ‘I didn’t like the short’ — and I was thinking, ‘What!’ — and then she says, ‘ I LOVED the short!’ She’s Josh’s daughter. And her timing was perfect.”

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 ??  ?? FROSTY START: ‘Once Upon a Snowman’ tells the origin story of Olaf, the summer-loving snowman who delighted viewers in ‘Frozen’ and its sequel.
FROSTY START: ‘Once Upon a Snowman’ tells the origin story of Olaf, the summer-loving snowman who delighted viewers in ‘Frozen’ and its sequel.
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